By late afternoon yesterday, Ben Shaoul's incoming retail-residential building between East Seventh Street and East Sixth Street made its first appearance above the plywood, as these photos by EVG contributor Steven show…

Last time we checked in on the address here on Avenue A, a report of smoke from the construction pit prompted a visit by the FDNY. Earlier in the summer a sign appeared on the plywood noting that — "We are currently performing dewatering on this construction site. This is condensation (water vapor) coming up through the pipes."
Not sure where workers are with the dewatering. We didn't notice any
Anyway, you know the rest… the building will one day look something like this…

Previously on EV Grieve:
A little bit of Hollywood on Avenue A
Inside the abandoned theater at East Village Farms on Avenue A
Workers back demolishing what's left of 98-100 Avenue A
Rest assured, there isn't a fire in the hole at 98-100 Avenue A
Wait until the bodies start bursting up through the floor!
Months of noise to come!
who cares about the noise. ave a needs a clean good looking building to straighten out ave a. plus...maybe a supermarket on 1st floor. tired of keyfood. ave a looks like a sloppy mess..a new building will improve the scenery
@6:22 Thanks Ben for clarifying! I love a good old troll!! Wait is this FOX?
The usual pro landlord and real estate developer from the Anonymous above are a very good example of why EV Grieve should stop taking Anonymous comments. There is no way that people can tell if this person is on Sledgehammer S Head's payroll or is someone who has a personal financial stake in Gentrification. I know you won't change your policy because you want a lot of comments no matter whether they are real or sponsored by big money but you should if you are honest about Grieving the demolition of the neighborhood by the rich and powerful who can pay Anonymous to post the same dishonest BS all the time. I hope you post this as always I put my name on my comments.
Ben Shaoul has the worst taste. Every building he has built is uglier then the last. Why is this idiot given so much access to destroying the village? Money is money, but why is HIS money behind all the new construction?
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