There are some new messages on the windows of the empty boutique next to the flagship Juice Press … here on East First Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue…
The writing on the door reads…

"The East Village is the only hope I have left of being fucking cool. This store is the incubator for my next food concept. I hope I don't fail."

Not sure what any of this is supposed to mean. Before opening the East First Street shop in 2010, JP founder Marcus Antebi put up signs announcing a Robot Daycare and NY Academy of Mime, among other things, coming soon.
Perhaps this space will serve as JP's test kitchen. They lost that space when JP closed the location on East 10th Street near Avenue A in the spring after the landlord — Steve Croman — apparently continued to drag out repairs in the building.
The best way not to be cool is to try to be cool. Sums up today's EV.
In today's EV, a lot of newbies are too uncool to even try.
Shut up. Quit expressing yourself all over your window. Nobody cares about your random thoughts.
Wow.. this sounds a lot like the JP owner realized his trustfund is running out and he needs a new idea.. and is emo about it.
Please, for the love of [fill in the blank] you -- JP owner -- must remove this from the glass ASAP. Here's to earning a buck, and we hope that you succeed, but that display of emotion is going to ensure that you're going to need to press a whole lot harder if you want to see any juice, 'cause every lady that reads that lachrymose pleading is going to dry up like sandpaper. Those are words you can mark.
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