The bar-restaurant space at 189 E. Third St. between Avenue A and Avenue B has been a carousel of late… there was the short-lived Lumiere that debuted in May 2014, followed by Casablanca, which just opened in February.
We're not sure when Casablanca closed… but a new sign is up for a restaurant-lounge called Tut …

Unfortunately, we don't know anything about Tut… the only other sign here features variations of coming soon written in multiple languages…

really poor choice of names, even worst choice of a storefront entrance, why should the results of Tut be any different from the 2 previous incarnations. Who would go to a place that looked and was name this?
got a soft spot for those doors for no reason
Those doors are excellent. I can't imagine anyone changing them. If I was the owner of the previous business, I'd have taken them with me.
At first glance, I thought this place was going to be named "Prossimamente;" then I saw it was to be named "Coming Soon."
Great doors. Everything else is a question.
All this dude does is open and close, instead of just sticking to a place. He's never going to succeed. And on weekends they've been drawing the loud, disrespectful complete TRASH crowd from "No Malice Palace" over. Please, just close both those places.
Such a shame. There was a thriving business there for 10 years named Le Caire Lounge and it was a legit place. Awesome vibe, great food, present owners and management. Landlord sold the building and the new owners pushed out the existing tenants. This is karma biting the new greedy landlords in the ass as they threw out a thriving business paying decent rent for the hopes of a new business paying top rent...I hope the continue to lose for their greediness
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