Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Another A for Ray

EVG regular Peter Brownscombe reports that Ray has retained his A rating after the completion of his long-awaited Health Department sanitary inspection yesterday at Ray's Candy Store, 113 Avenue A.

The good DOH news continues since those darks days in May 2011.


  1. Bob Arihood helped Ray do the repairs and upgrades that were needed to keep him from getting low sanitation ratings and this, as well as a host of other things,that Bob did for Ray allowed him to stay open and get the A sanitation ratings he is getting now. Bob died but I am totally convinced that all the things he did for Ray actually saved Ray's life because I think that without his work and his store Ray would have been too lost and depressed to go on.

  2. RIP bob arihood; i miss seeing him around with his camera late at night, and agree: he did so much for ray. hooraaaaaaaaayy for ray's A!!!!!

  3. I love you, brudda!
    Stay strong, Ray.


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