Nearly 300 canines and maybe 1 rooster took part in the 25th annual Tompkins Square Park Halloween Dog Parade yesterday … there were at least two pizza rat costumes … as well as costumes based on Donald Trump, "House of Cards," "Back to the Future" and Joe Namath… Here's a sampling of the costumes via EVG contributor Stacie Joy…

… and um…

… and Best in Show… this Day of the Dead-themed ensemble featuring two Chihuahuas and a Yorkshire terrier. The owners are apparently from Dallas.

EVG contributor Derek Berg shared these photos…

You can check out more photos via Goggla … and editrrix …
Thank you, Stacie Joy (and Derek Berg) -- I look forward to these pics all year!!!
ReplyDeleteAs usual, Stacy and Googla did a great job with the photos! Hard to believe there were sooooo many participants this year. It was crazy in the park yesterday. Still, people were in a festive mood and looks like all had fun. Lots of creativity in the hood. Anyone know which dog or dogs won?
ReplyDeleteThe dog dressed up like Richard Hell won. He took a bm right in front of everyone. The women wnt crazy.
ReplyDeleteThank you Stacie Joy, Goggla, Derek Berg, editrix. Are any of the photographs for sale? How can I get one? Lemme know awright, Thanks.
I don't mean to derail the discussion, but I just had a conversation with someone and we were trying to remember the name of the club that was behind / on top of Kaminstein's, the hardware / houseware store on 9th Street and 3rd Avenue. There was a steep flight of stairs.
ReplyDeleteI can't speak for Derek, Goggla or edittrix, but if you are interested in a print, I would be delighted to sell you one! You can see more images here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/editrixie/ and https://www.facebook.com/StacieJoy or contact me via http://photobystaciejoy.com/contact/. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteWho was that crazy lady with the chickens? She was purposefully plowing into people with her stroller and screaming. She yelled at me for trying to take a photo of her birds.
ReplyDeleteOy, what we dogs do to entertain the bipeds.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone really wants a photo, especially if he or she is a neighbor and especially if that photo is a dog, I'd be delighted to offer it for free. All you need to do is contact me via Flickr where my name is EDITRRIX——w/ two 'R's. Cheers to all! I've gone anti-capitalist.
ReplyDeleteThe best they could come up with for the "punk" dog was a Stones patch? C'mon man... at least have some respect...
ReplyDeleteIt was so crowded there. The said around 10,000 people showed up. I have some pics too but just iPhone crappy ones...as silly as this event is the faces of the dogs crack me up and at least they get lots of treats all day which is pretty much all they care about. This was definitely the biggest one so far. The chicken lady is always crazy and screaming so don't take it personally!
ReplyDeleteAs a dog, I resent the ogling and costuming. Can't you folks just let us be?
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 11:25am
ReplyDeleteAssault on the neighborhood? For god's sake, what a crank... Lots of people, yes, but lots of happy folks with sweet doggies in silly outfits, each one making me smile more than the last (I'm talking to you, Game of Thrones Doggy).
I expect many local businesses were happy to have an influx of extra bagel buyers and coffee drinkers - really, did it inconvenience you so much? smh.
Go home 11:25, you malcontent, and take your agenda with you.
ReplyDeleteanonymous 10.42 email me @ derekbergpix@hotmail.com and we can go from there if there's an image of mine that you want.
ReplyDeleteHow are 10,000 people like this descending on our neighborhood a good thing? It raises property values. These are the people who will be moving into the Shaoul and Steiner buildings on Avenue A, so how is this good? This event is counter to Save NYC. It's a major capitalist slam dunk. Ignorance is bliss.
ReplyDeleteGreat photos! The dog parade is the high-point of the East Village social calendar.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that the anti-dog-parade people have to resort to name-calling? "Ignorant"; Fool; etc.? They're more to be pitied than censured.
ReplyDeleteI'll cut the anti-dog folks come slack because I was there and it was a bit much. The park is only so big. The dog parade has grown in leaps and bounds over the last decade and there hasn't been much of an effort to streamline things. Lots of folks, I think, just come to the park with their dogs in costume, but not to compete. If I were running things, I might turn it into a duel event (big dogs/small dogs) or make it happen over the course of a longer period to reduce the numbers of people at any one time. Or maybe force people to preregister or something? Maybe ask those who aren't competing to stay in a different section? Or have the non-competing dogs in costume do an "Let's get this shit started" stroll in the morning, while those other paying dogs competing at the end. In the end, it's fun and the businesses make a profit (great) but the sidewalks surrounding the park were a nightmare for anyone not interested in such an event. So that's where the vitriol stems from. I get it. Believe me, I got pics in 10 minutes and got the heck out of there because it was way too crowded to be very peaceful or relaxing, which is why most people go to the park in the first place. At the same time, it is ONLY ONE DAY A YEAR. I love those fur babies!
ReplyDeleteWhat will be done with the money collected for this?
ReplyDeleteI'm curious to who the board of directors names are, who the organizers are and why their names aren't posted on their website? I think they used to have alist. What are we Great Adventure theme park. This is sooo bad for the neighborhood, and I wish that if anybody knows anybody who runs this show that would step in and tell them to cancel it-for the sake of the neighborhood. There are thousands of photographs videos(take a look at the videos you'll see).I'm pissed. The fact that it was bigger than ever this year points to the organizers and their intent.
ReplyDeleteA lot of the spectators at this event will be descending on the hood again, but will be wearing santa suits or slutty elf costumes.
ReplyDeleteOn Saturday the whole park was taken over by the dog parade and on Sunday the ball fields were taken over by that lame hockey league and the spot where the band shell used to exist by some terrible cover band. So if you actually live in the hood and wanted to use the park to just chill there wasn't any opportunity. The only thing worse then those hockey games is the dog parade.
ReplyDeleteI just don't get "Puppy corn" vs. Pupcorn.
ReplyDeleteDid they just totally miss it? Or did they miss it on purpose?
Tell me dogs really like being dressed-up and paraded around in ridiculous costumes?
ReplyDeletetactical exploitation
ReplyDeleteNo one I know of in the area who has a dog goes to the dog run.