An EVG reader noted that the new sidewalk cafe is now operational outside Fonda, the Mexican restaurant at 40 Avenue B near East Third Street. (The sidewalk section apparently officially opened this past Saturday.)
CB3 signed off on the cafe application during its August meeting.
And this is how the sidewalk seating looks with people…
EWWWWWWWWW. Just call it "Poco, NorthWest". More douchebags to look at and hear, folks. WOOHOO!!
Ah, yes, the wonderful brunch scene. So, the nurse let me out of the apartment a few weekends ago and I took a grey afternoon stroll along Avenues A and B, not expecting to see much but dreary shuttered store fronts and the like. I was not prepared for the brunch scene. Holy cannoli. Where did all of these persons (I hesitate to call them people) come from? There they were, milling about on the corners all clustered together like pigeons a little too late to the seed frenzy, all waiting to brunch.
That night I had a rather sublime vision of the world as a dung heap, and all the people crawling over one another like maggots, fighting over the choicest patches of excrement.
What I'm trying to say is, I think I found God in the brunch scene. And contrary to all the books written in God's name, God doesn't care about you. Not one brunchy little bit. All the same, Mexican food is Heaven sent.
Old people /rolleyes
God forbid people enjoy eating outside when it's nice out.
Young people /putsinteeth
Who you frontin? It's obvious by looking at young people that they are constitutionally incapable of enjoying anything. Not even those bottomless margarita brunches are enough to fill the gaping holes in your little mass produced, made-in-China souls.
I do like Fonda. (delicious food), but I can't imagine anything more disgusting than sitting outside along that stretch (that stench?) of Ave B, except maybe sidewalk seating along the East Houston Reconstruction Project.
Decor of this place makes my skin crawl and miss mercadito much more. Bottomless brunch should be banned. The last people who warranted 8 drinks before 3pm were being marched to the executioner hundreds of years ago... "one more for the road, sir."
@Anon 4:45 PM: "Bottomless brunch" is already banned, or at least illegal, according to the NY State Liquor Authority.
Even "Eater" picked this up:
But don't hold your breath waiting for NY SLA to actually enforce the law. Ha ha. Even when I wrote to their "legal" and "enforcement" folks; "legal" to verify that the photos I showed them of "all you can drink" signs were indeed illegal, and "enforcement" to ask them to enforce the law at the various bars and restaurants shown in the photos. "Legal" said they were illegal but "Enforcement" said nothing.
No more bottomless brunch?! Gee, I hope it wasn't something I said. I hope they don't enforce it, really. I rather like the idea of having a socially sanctioned pathway to pancreatic cancer, don't you? In fact it's absolutely cruel to prevent the people from destroying themselves now; their bleak futures will sting all the more if they have to face them in the garish light of sobriety.
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