No, not Halloween...
Multiple EVG readers have passed along photos of the "We love SantaCon!" poster on the front door of the Continental, Third Avenue at St. Mark's Place...

Per the sign, first noted here, the Continental will open at 11 a.m. on the day of SantaCon.
So far, there hasn't been any official announcement about a date or location for the annual gathering of [______________].
But the organizers have already started priming the pump, or whatever…

1. I'll never step foot in Continental again.
2. The main Santacon organizer was exposed as being Costume Jim, a former board member of FIGMENT NYC, who was booted out of the group after a heated debate between FIGMENT and a group of commenters on Bowery Boogie.
3. We know Costume Jim and Kostume Kult are running this show so when they order these drunks to descend on the neighborhood, now you know who to go after:
Since the EV and the LES are the city's official sanctioned dumping grounds for all things involving binge drinking, near riot activity and it's aftermath we have to fight this shit show everyday possible. Get local TV news to show up for once, name names and call out the bars which participate, contact local politico and demand they do something since SC is not going away.
if only there was a way to puke and pee on their Twitter page to make things equal.
once again cb#3 and our elected official assholes are invisible
I am with the first poster: I will never patronize the Continental again. They probably don't care though. They obviously don't care.
Call me an optimist, but I really believe Santacon is on its way out. The whole event has aged so poorly, and the local media can't lazily send out yet another season of vomit and bloated elves slideshows. We've seen it. Everyone knows. Everyone hates Santacon except for the losers who participate, and they're getting up there in years. Just like these jolly inebriates, Santacon is dying a slow death. I suppose that's sad for Nameless Charity X and the two dozen dented cans of vegetables they were due to receive from Santacon, the Charity Event™, but great for the rest of us who have been watching this bizarrely anonymous shitshow for years now.
Call me a pessimist, but I think SantaCon will be bigger than ever. It has taken on a life of its own. Even if the organizers canceled it the DoucheBros and Sorostitutes would be out there in droves. It only takes one Facebook event posting to get everyone out there. Thanks to Uber there will be that many more drunks coming in from Long Island and Jersey since they don't have to drive or fight for cabs. This is their big Instagram moment, and since it's happening in dozens of cities all over the world they all want to post their Drunkies (that's drunken selfies for you sober people.)
We are only about 45 days from SantaGeddon. Where are our local leaders? Why aren't the Community Board and Gigi Li, Susan Stetzer, Rosie Mendez, Brad Hoylman, Gail Brewer doing anything about it? Any other event needs a permit, They arrest Critical Mass and Black Lives Matter protesters in droves. But SantaBarfCon gets a pass every year. They need to make a pre-emptve strike and tell the orgaizers they will be fined and arrested if they keep doing this in secret, waiting until the night before to announce the locations they wil be terrorizing.
But it can be stopped if the bars just say no. Last year the local businesses and politicians in Bushwick told them no, you're not going to trash Bushwick, and so SantaCon had to go somewhere else. And they ended up in the EV again. The EV bars who put out the welcome mat every year are the worst. A few places like Penny Farthing and Linen Hall put up No SantaCon signs and won't let anyone wearing a silly outfit inside, and yet these places are packed with good paying customers. It's time for the other EV bars to do the same.
Now that CB3, the media, blogs, and polls know who is behind Santacon, they should have no trouble negotiating these destructive alcoholics in their 15th year of college away from the neighborhood. Someone joked in another thread about the East Village being the 'alcohol district.' Sad but true.
Like Anonymous 9:43, I am an optimist, but I am optimistic that SantaCon is changing and will not be so bad in the coming years. They made a big effort last year to minimize the negative response people had, and I am hopeful that this will continue. SantaCon has the potential to be something that brings the neighborhood together.
Wow. I stop by Continental to start my nights fairly often. Been going there since the punk shows.
This is obnoxious.
It's one thing to serve them, it's another to actively promote it.
Obnoxious, not going there anymore.
Huh? Kinda looks like they're trying to be "ironic"? I dunno. Fukem.
I think it is starting to become passe. (There's stratification and class snobbery even amongst douche-bros.) But there's probably a few years left in it.
I also think the time has passed for getting upset about "Santa-con". Stay home, shop online, watch tv, clean the house, go to Kips Bay and watch a movie, etc. Sucks to even have to acknowledge the thing and change plans accordingly, but the more people ignore it the better, and the sooner the sands of time will bury this thing.
@9:43 AM
I wish what you say were true but Santa's never get old. Not because they are magic elves but because a new batch of them gets shit out the suburbs each year to re-fresh the herd. If your theory were true (which I really wish it was) then NYU would never get new freshmen.
Anonymous 12:11 PM, Good point, regarding people getting upset about this. There are worse things that happen on almost a daily basis that just gets glossed over as "life in New York".
To the posters who said they would never go to the Continental again . . . why did you ever go there in the first place? Are you not aware of their racist door policy? Are you not aware that it's the first stop for bridge and tunnel crowd in the EV? Are you not aware of how lame you were for ever going there?
Please do some soul searching if you ever even thought of entering that ___hole.
With all the folks saying that they won't go to the Continental again because of SantaCon, what exactly did you think of their "5 shots $5" advertised special? That is a direct violation of NYS Liquor Authority's "unlimited drinks special" ("unlimited" means more than two for the price of one, and you can't serve up a five at a time because then the server can't cut you off if you get drunk on #2, and serving an intoxicated patron is in violation of yet another of NYSLA's rules.
Of course all the bar owners know that NYSLA has no intention of enforcing their laws, so "endless brunch", "bottomless margarita", and "5 shots $5".
You can register a complaint online here about your "unfavorite" bars:
Or you can continue to patronize what you claim to despise.
This started out with a group of "Burners" (Burning Man"). Figment was also started by a group of Burners. Continental was a favorite weekly meeting place for them.
Anything for a buck, huh Trigger? Continetal/Trigger: Pandering to NYU brats since 200??? Sellout.
Glad some developer bought the land under them and will give them the boot. You wanna contribute to turning the East Village into a NYU campus and rich only playground, you get eliminated.
@12:18pm: You are 100% correct. (And I say that with sadness; NYU will just keep churning out new batches of drunktards every year like clockwork.)
"SantaCon has the potential to be something that brings the neighborhood together."
I'm speechless.
And a big FU to FIGMENT NYC who also denied/covered up Costume Jim and their participation in this shit stain. Miniature golf, anyone? As has been already posted:
Bro culture is timeless. Now that the EV is a dorm dump (like Sty Town), this will go on and on and on……………
Just another lame excuse for bros to conjugate and reek havoc under the guise of beloved costume. As a resident of the EV, I avoid all who participate, people and businesses included like the plague. It has now become an issue of concern and safety. I don't trust those who believe this is a free for all event. It is a opportunity for those to become inebriated, unruly and downright disrespectful. I hope they create this event somewhere far away.
I wish the NYPD would treat SantaCON as it would treat a riot - because SantaCON is a slow-motion riot of drunks.
Occupy Wall Street protesters should have dressed up as Santa and I guess they'd have gotten away with anything/everything.
What matters to DeBlasio & the NYPD? From what I see living here, quality of life in the East Village is of no concern to any of the "powers that be".
I always find it so weird when someone rails against Santacon and yet wishes the event would move elsewhere. What did the good people of elsewhere ever do to you? No one deserves to have Santacon come to town.
santa con was pretty funny and somewhat creative when it was small - santas on bikes, on the bus, walking around, in local stores, eating pizza. colorful. till it turned into a huge drunk-fest and completely took over the neighborhood like a shit-storm and after keeping us up all night they left their debris and vomit.
@7:04am: I don't wish Santacon on any neighborhood!
The city should hold it on a pier on the west side to confine the trash (human and otherwise) to one location that it can oversee. This would spare the rest of us from having to deal with this nonsense - and I say that as someone who was nearly knocked over in front of my own home by an already-drunk-at-11am Santacon "reveler".
No doubt we will see the same stupidity played out by intoxicated morons who think they look and act cool, only to find out that they are really just in a deep freeze.
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