Reports are coming in this morning about what are believed to be a pile of human bones found in the bike lane on the northwest corner of First Avenue and 13th Street.
East Village resident Nate Brown shared these photos from the scene, where the NYPD has now cordoned off the area...

We don't have any other information at the moment. To be continued...
Updated 2:48 p.m.
Photographer Scott Lynch at Gothamist has more photos... Scott doesn't think they are human bones "BUT WHO KNOWS? They looked gnarly as fuck, especially those spinal-column ones."
Updated 5:52 p.m.
An update via Gawker…
"The cops were there for an hour-and-a-half, two hours," a group of men working beside a Rose Demolition and Carting truck said. "They took the bones away in a black bag."
And per an officer at the 9th Precinct:
"They were animal bones and they were removed." She could offer no insight as to where the bones came from or why they were deposited on a street corner.
I walked by there yesterday morning and they were there. No one seemed to noticed. This morning, still there and no one seemed to notice either. Personally, I assumed they were a little too big to be human bones and instead were most likely animal bones from restaurant trash. Occam's Razor and all...
Check the traffic cams, see the f'er that littered!
Creepy and gross!
I, for one, welcome our new rodent overlords.
Someone posted in a comment recently about how we should be thankful for the upside of gentrification, i.e. this is a safer place now. Bullshit, NYC is still dark twisted and sometimes dangerous.
Hmmmm... Might still be good for a stock.
Call the forensics team
Anon 11am: Did you bother to ask anyone at the restaurant you mention (Occam's Razor) before accusing them of not properly disposing of their garbage?
Those are obviously Smurf bones.
My Occam's Razor says Spontaneous Human Combustion!
I know it's just a picture, but the material looks way to heavy to be human to me. Whatever it is, I'm sure it slopped out of a commercial carting truck. Happens all the time when there're overfilled and they activate the compactor.
Totally wretch inducing.
Hi there Anon @ 1:31pm! I didn't accuse a specific restaurant of improperly disposing of their garbage, I was simply saying that the simplest answer was probably bones from a restaurant rather than human remains. Occam's Razor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor) is a problem-solving principle, not a restaurant in the area.
If pressed, I would've mentioned that my working hypothesis is that a garbage bag ripped open so it wasn't the restaurant's fault. Hope that helped clear things up for you!
Well if they are animal bones at least we know they didn't come from any Vegan restaurant.
I love that someone thought Occam's Razor was the name of the restaurant. The cuts on those bones are clean, so it clearly wasn't a hatchet job and at least one of them looks like it was cut the long way, to expose the marrow. Not sure why this is so wretch-inducing. You're all filled with bones. Would you like to see?
Whatever it is I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
Occam & Razor
ZOMG I love that place. Amazing artisanal cocktails.
Occam's Razor? Isn't that a barbershop on 10th Street?
Shit! I go there for the strudel!
It's probably from the Steiner lot. You know it's a graveyard right. By the way the pilling from this site shakes my whole building and I'm not even on that block. I hope that the police willget to the bootom of this, there are cameras everywhere.
Anon 3:06: Your epidermis is showing.
Sorry 1:31 PM, Your pithy dry wit was too far above the heads of these low brow EV readers.
I got that it was a joke, because I'm really really really really smart.
Sexy Occam's Razor for Halloween!
David Chang's Corpse Fuku to Go!
William of Ockham has learned from friends who read this blog that his razor may have been found somewhere in the East Village area. He is delighted that it is not lost and requests that it be returned to him at your earliest convenience or that he be contacted so that he can retrieve it personally. William can be reached at the University of Oxford in England or word may be left with his good friend the Franciscan Minister General, Michael of Cesena in Avignon, France. Alternatively, he would be happy as well if it were donated to a school, wherever you think it is most needed. In closing, William stated that he would be particularly honored if the Mayor of New York were to use his razor in the course of determining how best to implement the Mayor's Vision Zero plan.
So in the end, just typical E.V. disgusting stench wafting garbage in the street.
Yeah, stop the presses.
@Anonymous 11:00 PM: Please return my razor.
They were in front of Starbucks this morning. I stepped over them with the typical 'gross' shrug. Human bones? Doubt it.
Dear Wretches, when something makes you nauseated, what you want to do is "retch"!
Maybe Donald the chicken man is back making Soup again ..
It *would* be in the bike lane!
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