Friday, November 13, 2015

1st sign of the incoming CVS at the Death Star

The "Chopping This Winter" isn't the only new signage to note at 51 Astor Place/the IBM Watson Building/Death Star … on the south side of the building, the incoming CVS hoisted its first letters — Grocery!

The CVS letters are also to the right of the Grocery, but are semi-obscured by brown paper…

Let me know if you can't spot the C. I will point it out.

Oh, and do other CVS stores in the city have actual groceries? (I've been in the one on Fulton and Nassau, and while they sell groceries, I wouldn't call it a grocery.)

Anyway! No word on when this location will open. So anyone in the market for the CVS Homeopathic Constipation Relief that the kids like will have to check other stores.


  1. CVS puts the gross in grocery.

  2. If you contract E.coli from our groceries, the antibiotics are on the house!

  3. a little food poising is ok since they have a pharmacy there as well, now if they would only sell bubble tea.....

  4. Great. Just what the EV needs. Another fucking pharmacy/chain store.

  5. My grocery is a twinkie.

  6. From now on we should just Photoshop a CVS, Walgreens or Duane Reade into the retail spaces of all those beautiful developer renderings so we can see how crappy these glass boxes will really look some day.

  7. Now that meat producers no longer have to name country of origin*, CVS will be opening a prhyme meats department.



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