Multiple EVG readers came across this scene this morning just before 9 on Avenue A between East Second Street and East Third Street… where workers were mulching up a fallen tree…

Unfortunately, no one (yet!) has passed along what happened to the tree on the west side of the street… How did it fall? Did it crack? Was it struck? Pushed? Bitten? Karate chopped?

Thanks to the EVG reader for the photos!
Per the comments, three trees on this block had to be removed...
It didn't fall. When I passed, around 8:15am, they were sawing branches off the top of it. I assumed it was dead, or maybe diseased. I didn't have my camera, unfortunately.
I'm wondering if it actually *did* fall and they were just cleaning up the mess... I heard a HUGE, LOUD crack around 4am that morning and then saw the tree down later. Not sure if the two were related or not.
Anonymous 2:00pm, Are you serious? I said I walked by when they were cutting off branches. It was standing upright. Sheesh!
The three trees on that side of the street were all dead and had been so for about a year now. All three of them were removed.
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