An EVG reader notes that last night, someone (vandal? folk hero?) tossed a few black paint bombs at the naked-women-clad plywood at 100 Avenue A between East Sixth Street and East Seventh Street...

... where developer Ben Shaoul is putting in a
Perhaps these real paint bombs are fitting to the whole marketing concept. Broker Ryan Servant recently explained the campaign this way on Instagram:
This is a real model, with real paint. This is my team, my developers, my clients, my friends, my family, my fans. This is for everyone who sells something who does it differently. This is for the kids who wear clothes other kids won't or don't. This is for the the Dad who goes back to school to make his kids proud. This is for the student who turns in 2 pages of a 5 page essay - and aces it. This is for everyone who has been bullied, talked about, made fun of, and pointed at.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Wooing the condo crowd with naked women motif on Avenue A
The retail space at Ben Shaoul's 100 Avenue A is available for $24.5 million; plus, naked model marketing clarification!
Good. This is delightful. Bring it on.
$1,000s per square foot to north of $2,000 per square foot...? the global economy is calling for more than black paint bombs.
This if for that fashion-furniture kid who knows how to "nyc-distress" those Greed-Pig real estate sign obcenities in the neighborhood.
Creativity Craves
Yeah because who suffers? The poor laborers that have to scrub it off.
Now it looks like it fits the neighborhood.
Damn some developers really can't appreciate art even when is splattered all over their buildings.
10:48 I'm sure they're getting paid.
Our HOME is not an entertainment zone. THE PARTY IS OVER.
In the face of gentrification/class war, we are not giving up.
We outnumber the invaders and we are ROOTED here. CAN YOU DIG IT??
We are tired of sitting by, watching as these parasites feed on our culture and destroy their host in the process.
"Somebody should do something!" You ARE somebody and you CAN do something.
Stop waiting and take action. Organize into cells. Use your imagination. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE.
Where is Peter Missing now that we really need him?
You people are proud of vandalism?? Its disgusting! !!
AnonymASS 4:19: "Vandalism" is relative.
For example, the hideous use of female forms with heads wrapped mummy-style and bodies adorned with the address of the yuppie ghetto project now rising on the site of the Hollywood Theater, as well as the demolition of the theater itself, could be considered TWO forms of "vandalism".
Just ask anyone in the neighborhood (not the monied transients who've just arrived here who have NO FUCKING CLUE) how they view the paint bomb response to the TWO acts of vandalism committed there by real estate maggot Ben Shoaul (howeverthefuck his name is spelled)....
If you don't like anti-gentrification vandalism you should move! You're part of the problem.
One could also argue that the wholesale destruction of the East Village/NYC so yet more of these boring "luxury" boxes for Richie Riches can be built is a much higher, and far more permanent, form of vandalism than a couple of paint bombs.
It's just more using women's bodies to sell. I really thought we were moving to a better place than that, but people like Ryan Servant keep holding us back.
Newsflash Ryan: many of us have decided sexism is a bad thing.
A little black paint isn't going to scare away developers, especially when these places are selling like hotcakes.
Calm down everyone, I'm sure the people who came up with this marketing campaign are quite used to beiing splattered with dripping-wet foreign substances. And I bet they enjoy it.
4:19 cracks me up
It's the East Village taliban.
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