Sunday, December 13, 2015

At the 24th annual Tompkins Square Park tree lighting

Late this afternoon, East Village residents gathered for the 24th annual Tompkins Square Park tree lighting ... EVG contributor Stacie Joy stopped by the event, which was hosted by the Tompkins Square Park Neighborhood Coalition, East Village Parks Conservancy and Third Street Music School Settlement.

The Mandel & Lydon Trio and carolers from Carolers of Olde New York from the Theatre for the New City provided the music. Veselka served hot chocolate with mini marshmallows and hot apple cider. Albert Fabozzi, who planted the tree 24 years ago to commemorate the loss of his friend, switched the lights on.

Here are a few scenes ...


  1. lovely photos, thanks

  2. Wow, look at that. A diverse, attractive crowd in the EV. Who knew?

  3. "delightfully disheveled"

    Nice to see a bit of joy spread around instead of beggin'-to-crawl happiness-desperation vibes.

    Only small note of disappointment was Eden not wearing the laser-eyed, LED-tailed, Marshall-Amped Christmas Squirrel outfit again. I'll never forget that year where she morphed from the Christmas Squirrel into Tommy, the Tompkins Christmas Rat and ate those two kids from Jersey......good times!

  4. Great photos. This was such a nice little community event, great weather for it, too. We had a blast.

  5. Fahoo Fores Dahoo Dores!

  6. My suit was in the dry cleaners! After SANTACON it was covered in filth and I didn't want to scare the kids.
    None of them were from NJ this year so I was well behaved. I was checking IDs and stuff.


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