An EVG reader passes along word about the recent (Friday?) arrival of baiting stations on Second Avenue and East Seventh Street, the site where three buildings (Nos. 119-121-123) were destroyed in the deadly gas explosion this past March 26.

According to the city's Rat Information Portal, there are "Active Rat Signs" at 123 Second Ave., the address of one of the buildings lost on March 26.
The reader also noted the unfortunate proximity of the baiting stations to the memorials for Moises Ismael Locón Yac and Nicholas Figueroa, the two men who died in the explosion.

The rats rule NYC. The EV is probably one of the worst neighborhoods for rat infestations with empty lots, green gardens, city parks being just the tip of the iceberg. The garbage on the streets (just walk along Second Avenue between Houston and 14th Street) is unreal. Garbage cans overflowing constantly at any time of day. Shop owners who don't care and never sweep or wash their frontage. Bars that allow patrons to take drinks/glasses outside to smoke where both glasses and butts are then discarded...not to mention the vomit they leave behind as well...oh wait, I did mention it. Lack of garbage pick ups by NYC Sanitation on a more frequent basis. Private garbage trucks that leave loose, messy, smelly, wet garbage all over the sidewalk and the streets as they toss bags helter-skelter in a mad rush to get done before rush hour starts. Shall I go on?
Does anyone wonder why there is a rat problem?
The baiting stations should be close to the walls and fences, where the rats are.
I agree that storeowners (particularly of restaurants) need to be cited for doing a very poor job of keeping the sidewalks clean. Has anyone smelled the trough of filth that pools between the Citibike station and the sidewalk in front of the Yuca Bar on 7th Street? If you're a fan of the dry-heaves you'll find it downright heave-enly.
But also, these solar compactors that have replaced some of the trash cans in Tompkins aren't emptied when they're full—and they fill up fast—forcing people to leave their pizza boxes and half-drunk beverages on top of said compactor—if not on the ground.
One trick I particularly like—NOT!—is when people are walking by a regular garbage can with a swing lid and can't be bothered to put their empty or half-empty soda can all the way into the garbage, but instead leave it hanging in limbo. This is because they also can't be bothered to walk the fifty or so steps to the recycling can to put litter in its proper place.
Actually Scuba, that would be me.
It's not that I'm lazy. I'm just not going to push on something that is more filthy than a diseased toilet bowl, with my bare hand. I more often will just hold onto my trash until I pass a regular open trash can.
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