The Bluestone Lane Coffee signage is now up over at 51 Astor Place/the IBM Watson Building/Death Star ... on the Fourth Avenue side next to the front entrance...


And right next door to the incoming Chop't...

What is Bluestone Lane Coffee? There are five locations in the city. And, via their website:
Bluestone Lane offers a refined product proposition dedicated to producing the highest quality coffee and complimentary foods, delivered in an engaging way. We are focused on creating environments where customers are immersed in the experience and leave feeling like a local.
Bluestone Lane Coffee is influenced from the renowned coffee culture hub of Melbourne, Australia, where premium coffee is a way of life.
Meantime, not sure exactly where the other retail tenant, Flywheel Sports, will live in the building. According to Well + Good, the incoming Flywheel will feature a stadium-seating studio with more than 70 bikes. Plus! "[I]t will be the first to introduce a new, instructor-controlled LED lighting system."
Also, when did someone chop down these trees outside 51 Astor Place?

Previously on EV Grieve:
3 retail spaces available at 51 Astor Place (22 comments)
You can finally shop at 51 Astor Place!
3 new retail tenants for 51 Astor Place: Bluestone Lane Coffee, Chop’t and Flywheel Sports
It's nice to see the rabbit make a cameo appearance. Nothing else about this building is interesting or attractive but I have to admit I love that rabbit.
As I commented last month, it's been over two years since the trees outside the Astor Place uptown entrance were removed for no immediate reason. There was also some fuss over the removal of a tree that survived the demolition and construction process:
Something very weird is going on. The most logical explanation is that 51 Astor is trying to fend off an invasion by Druid tree worshippers.
"Customers leave feeling like a local."
Sounds like Aussie slang for "enema."
So it might be good coffee. Or at least functional.
The trees were interfering with the surveillance camera viewpoint in the public area - they couldn't take the chance that the public might be in a public area and not be surveilled. That said, that plaza sucks, the mentally ill own it.
Bluestone Lane offers a refined product proposition dedicated to producing the highest quality coffee and complimentary foods, delivered in an engaging way. We are focused on creating environments where customers are immersed in the experience and leave feeling like a local.
i can't even think of what a proposition dedicated product means.
does complimentary foods mean free foods?
does delivered in an engaging way mean home delivery or served with a diamond ring?
and i sure would like to know what feeling like a local is.
Coffee businesses and sports bars, apparently the EV cannot get enough of either.
I just hope the bathrooms are clean and open to the public.
These retail spaces as expected have been rented to the dullest of dull corporate chains.
A few of those trees were dead or dying. Hopefully some new ones will replace them, and hopefully they will have dog guards, and get watered properly.
Welcome EV Star. Don't forget to sign your Union card.
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