And if you're around today without any plans ... Jimmy's annual holiday party is today from noon to ??? at La Plaza Cultural, on the southwest corner of Avenue C and Ninth Street...

Per the Facebook invite: "There will be food and music and it is potluck. Bring firewood for the bonfire and grill if you can. Bring your musical instruments. It is rain or shine."
And not to be a jerk, but these elves working the mail room at La Plaza totally lost my packages ...

Whoa... Didn't know about this. Wish I could go! I used to live at 6th Street...
Sitting in the apartment enjoying the moderate temps and the smell of cooking grease wafting from the 6th Street restaurants that are open today. They can't let one day go without filling our noses and ears with pollution.
Merry XMas Jimmy and if it is raining please move the party to Charas.
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