Slum Goddess shared this flyer photo with us for — the First Annual Santa Con for Dogs
Hmm, interesting choice for branding given the outrage over the human version of SantaCon every year, an event that brings together elected officials to write letters To Whom It May Concern.
Anyway, the Canine Con is part of a celebration via The School for the Dogs on East Second Street between Avenue A and Avenue B for their clients and pets. There will be photos with Santa ... then a parade from the East Second Street facilities over to d.b.a. at 41 First Avenue between East Second Street and East Third Street. (More details are here.)
Why is it I've had enough of everything Santa at this point? Hopefully the real Santa con organizers will take offense and realize the who idea has gone to the dogs.
ReplyDeleteIt's never enough with these people. They want you to swallow and choke. Stop pissing on us. Are you Halloweenies?
ReplyDeleteTerrible idea. Modeling a pet event after SantaCon and then have it end at a bar. Shame on you School for the Dogs. You think this is a positive marketing idea? Wrong. Trying to grab onto the coattails of the scummiest event in the East Village. This is the lesson we're supposed to take home from an animal training school? I give you an F. I guess you'll also be giving the animals something to make them vomit and pass out.
ReplyDeleteGiven the context I would call this animal abuse. Are these the people owners want training their pets? School for the Dogs are the ones in need of training for bad behavior.
ReplyDeleteAwright, now THIS I will go to. These Santas will know how to behave in polite company, altho there will probably, I am forced to concede, be an occasional butt sniff. But I'll take that over a puking elf any day.
ReplyDeleteCats have too much dignity to parade around in costume, they only do this stuff on youtube.
ReplyDeleteI am tired of people parading their pets around like they are accessories. It is also lame of this place to emulate an event that has such a bad rep.
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool. Drunk dogs! But is it abuse if dogs, having free will, lap up a bowl full on their own? How do we warn them in dog that they'll have a nasty first-time hangover, or worse, fall over? At least they have four legs unlike real SantaCons.
ReplyDeleteReal SantaCons do have four legs.
ReplyDeleteOh God. Just call it a Christmas Dog Parade. Sick of these corny events all the time taking place over here, though.
ReplyDeleteNot a big deal, but kinda lame marketing scheme. Just do your job, you don't need to add a bar crawl.
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of poop what about a bond for the Clean up
ReplyDeleteHave a sense of humor, folks.
ReplyDeleteI think it is meant to be ironic... everyone knows the dogs are going to be much better behaved than their human counterparts were last weekend.
ReplyDeleteUh... Why is everyone so upset about this? There is no way the organizers or any dog owners would really let dogs drink alcohol. I think this is great. I want to go to see cute dogs dressed up for the holidays :)
ReplyDeleteWhat won't people complain about?!!! If you don't like dogs in Santa costumes, the you're a grinch. Stay in your house, close your blinds and sit in the dark and be miserable grumps by yourself. The rest of us will have a GREAT day, surrounded by cute dogs, and finishing it off by having a beer! Stop being so freakin lame, ya yuppies.
ReplyDeleteIf you find this event offensive, you clearly have a hard time making it through any given day.
ReplyDeleteDogs dogs dogs. Dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs.
ReplyDeleteWow, oh wow. You all sound like a bunch of cranky old East Village crusties. Get over yourselves!!!
ReplyDeleteIsn't Glaser's Santacon aleady for the dogs?