[Photo Monday by Michael Paul]
Early last week, a resident who lives near the dual Extell buildings under construction on East 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B noted the arrival of generators that are running 24/7.
The resident tried the community email address that's posted on the East 14th Street field office, but it bounced back.
Anyway, a resident spoke with a supervisor type at the site about the generators. Turns out they power pumps that keep the water levels down at the site.
Water Levels = Extell Lake!

[December 2014]
... and a photo of The Blarney Cove Cove from July 2014...

Anyway, the pumping will likely mean there won't be any skating this winter on Extell Lake, an alternative to The Ice at Stuy Town and the East River (remember?) ...

[EVG reader submitted from January]
Also, the Extell community email address still doesn't work, as we learned yesterday...

Previously on EV Grieve:
The disappearing storefronts of East 14th Street
[Updated with correction] 8-lot parcel of East 14th Street primed for new development
New 7-floor buildings for East 14th Street include 150 residential units
1st activity at 500 E. 14th St. since the demolition phase, and when the standing water froze
Community meeting tonight to address construction noise at Extell's East 14th Street development sites
Here lies the Blarney Cove
No one is taking advantage of the line-free skating at Extell Lake
A question about Extell construction noise on East 14th Street
It has not been cold enough for the ponds to start freezing. Methinks this will be a poor skating season in the city this year. I am sure the fire department will have its hand full rescuing the bros that don't heed the 'thin ice' signs and break on through.
Manhattan originally had many springs and streams especially in what is now the EV, Soho and the Financial District. The water in this pit is probably one of those springs meaning Extel will have to pump this water for as long as these buildings stand on this spot. Early maps also show what is now Ave D and area around Con ED as marsh land. Developers beware.
Where is this water coming from? Will it ever stop? I wouldn't want to live on a sink hole.
If Extel uses a bathtub foundation (a la the WTC), that would keep the water out of the building.
Notice a water trough at the former Mary Help of Christians building site...always full... wonder if it's a similar situation?!
But why doesnt the L train tunnel, running right along it, not flood?
that is the exact email extell gave me at last month's meeting.
extell gave us the number 646-930-0497 for questions and concerns.
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