This past weekend someone took notice to this development...

[Photo by Steven]
Had we actually got around to doing one... this would have made some kind of "developments to watch in 2016" listicle or something. To recap! The retail space via Icon Realty has been on the market, with an asking price of $72,000 a month... the listing notes the address is acceptable for "General Retail Use, Restaurants/Bar, Office Space, Gyms/Fitness Centers."
As previously reported,, the former Chase space allows for redevelopment of the current 2,380-square-foot site into a mixed-use retail and residential project of 9,520 square feet.

[Photo from December by Steven]
A few EVG regulars figure we'll be in for a few extra floors here one of these days...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Chase space on 2nd Avenue and St. Mark's Place is for rent
2 East Village Chase Bank branches are closing for good on Nov. 12
Chase branch on 2nd Avenue at St. Mark's Place has the potential to get 4x larger with new owner
The East Village is down 2 Chase branches
Icon wraps former Chase branch at St. Mark's Place with retail ribbon
while closing one branch on st marks, chase also closed two of the four teller widows and generally have one teller working at the 10th street branch. then they put in barriers for the lines. and there are almost always lines of unhappy customers. people don't seem to like the new automated machines and at one point they had a dedicated worker trying to get people to use them, and/or to explain them.
they could have at least left space for 4 tellers. how many people lost jobs for this "improvement"?
Wonder who the math wiz is at Chase. They shutdown St. Marks removing 5 ATMs. They remodel East 10th making the new ATMs inaccessible after hours leaving just 2 ATMs for the hood. Wonder how much they are losing in after hour ATM fees? I frequently leave without money because either the 2 machines are out of money or the line is too long. Might be time to switch banks.
If Icon owns the corner lot and also the building next door where The Stage is, then they are probably strategizing to maximize the entire lot, take both buildings down and put up a tower. If zoning doesn't now allow, don't worry, it will. They'll do to 2nd Ave what they did to 3rd.
nygrump, I hope you are wrong but my own grumpy side thinks you may be spot on.
I like this building and hope it doesn't get fucked over like so many of these 1920's building have. Alas time will tell.
Icon Realty has a new commercial advertising what they'd like to see in this space:
Now that the Chase on Ave A & 2nd St is gone, the line for the ATM in the Duane Reade on Ave B & 2nd St can be long. About a week ago, it quit dispensing cash. I guess the closest Chase ATM is now the Duane Reade on Ave D & Houston, and a live teller is all the way over on Bowery and 1st St.
The staff at 130 2nd Ave. was always extremely polite to me. I hope nobody lost their job.
Chase was innocuous, there was a bank on that corner for the last 50 years, at least. Good riddance Chase???? Chase is going away and a tower will come in, maybe a dorm. More people to the already overcongested St. Marks Place. More people, less goods and services. Let's be careful about what we complain about.
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