The above flyer is hanging at 233 E. Ninth St. between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.
Per the flyer, a delivery woman was attacked in the building's vestibule this evening around 7. One resident told us that the suspect reeked of urine, "and it filled the building with the smell."
Earlier today, an EVG reader passed along word of a mugging last evening outside a building on East 10th Street between Avenue B and Avenue C. There were few details from a resident, who said that a woman entering the building had her mink coat stolen by a man brandishing a 6-inch knife and brass knuckles. (There was a general description of the suspect via the resident: Black male, 5-8, medium build with a youthful appearance "but was probably in his 40s.")
Wait a minute. How do you know he was *African American*? Did he tell you? He could have been of any one of the nationalities in Africa, the Caribbean, a British transplant, or a transnational, racial mixture. I applaud your feeble attempt at political correctness here, but in using the term as a broad signifier you've made it worse.
Yeah because God knows the first thing that crosses the mind when someone is getting mugged by a dark-skinned person is to chat them up and ask them where they're from. Get real Anon. 7:50.
Usual PC nonsense. Not a word of sympathy for the victims - or concern that a mugger is running around. Insted you feel the description is somehow wrong and attack the author. What is wrong with you people?
I live in this building. The attack was very scary and violent. The person who posted the flyer put it up within 20 minutes of the attack. I'm very blessed to have neighbors who care about the other residents in the building. There is nothing wrong with the language in this flyer.
@7:50, I did not see the words "African American" in this story until you mentioned it. Reporting the appearance of a perpetrator is importance to finding them, this includes: clothing, an accent, tonality of skin and visible markings like scars, ink scars or birth marks.
You may want to work in your sarcasm detection skills. But it's good that you found a reason to be outraged anyway.
This is scary. Some awful things have been happening in our neighborhood lately. I am glad the woman survived the attack. I hope this guy is caught before he hurts someone else.
I know Canadians who where born in Africa, and are black. Who to their amusement get called African Americans even after they explain their not American.
I know people born in South Africans who are white, and American. Who are never called African american...
The term African American is so stupid...
"The term African American is so stupid..."
Really? Since most American's consider themselves "Italian - , French- , Irish- , German, etc...American why is it wrong for people of African ancestry to consider themselves African American? Since we finally have people from African nations immigrating here more specific terms like Kenyan-American will be more accurate and appropriate.
Just scrap African American altogether and let's just say black. You're always going to offend the oversensitive crowd.
I'm guessing it isn't your call what individual members of that community want to be called.
It's my call to call.
This used to be a nice building but it's SO mismanaged. We haven't had gas for almost two months because of a near fatal leak. Muggings are routine. Multiple requests for security cameras in the common areas are ignored. Most of the apartments have sustained water damage from ongoing, ignored leaks. They are currently going door to door right now hoping tenants are home so they can do major electrical /construction work either today or tomorrow to convert the building from gas to electric stoves. (So 70s.) Management has no idea how to plan or coordinate anything. They either shout at you as a tactic to get you off the phone or blame the super.
I forgot to mention the full stop work order in place due to the man in 3A who gut renovated his apartment on his own. Giant dumpster out front, workers coming and going, dust everywhere but management and the super were unaware.
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