A 30-year-old man was the victim of a random slashing around 4:30 yesterday afternoon on East Sixth Street near Taras Shevchenko Place (between Cooper Square and Second Avenue), according to published reports.
Per the Post:
The victim, who is from Newark, NJ, told cops he was walking in front of 208 E. 6th St. around 4:30 p.m. — heading to a cafe to meet a friend while wearing headphones and looking at his phone — when an unknown Asian man came up behind him and pushed him against a wall.
The attacker cut his face and back with a knife while screaming, ‘F— you! F— you!” the man told police.
The victim, who was taken to Bellevue, was reportedly slashed from his ear to mouth.
Dried blood remains at the scene of the attack on East Sixth Street...

Updated 1/18
The ABC 7 report provides a general description of the suspect, via the NYPD: An "Asian male between 20-30 years old, 5'3', and 150 pounds. He was said to be wearing a dark-colored coat and a dark-colored skull cap."
Updated 11:19 a.m.
DNAinfo reports that the victim needed 150 stitches.
Updated 4:40 p.m.
The victim, Anthony Christopher-Smith, a social worker who lives in Newark, N.J, talked briefly to ABC 7.
"I was just walking up the street. I was heading to go meet a friend for lunch and someone just came up and randomly slashed me in the face and back. I never saw this person before. I have no idea who they are. I have no idea what their motivation was. They just came up an attacked me," Christopher-Smith said. "I couldn't call 911 because I bled so much on my phone that I couldn't press the buttons."
Christopher-Smith now has partial paralysis on the right side of his face. But with physical therapy and time to heal, doctors expect a full recovery. He just hopes the suspect is arrested long before then.
"I didn't realize that I have been slashed because I was shoved against the wall, fell to the ground," Christopher-Smith said.
Updated 5:53 p.m.
CBS 2 also spoke with Anthony Christopher-Smith. You can read that here. There's another detail about the extent of the slashing on his face: "Smith underwent eight hours of plastic surgery, and his doctors said he may regain the ability to smile by this summer."
Updated 8:54 p.m.
The Daily News story includes several rather grainy images of the suspect, according to the NYPD...
Anyone with information that could help in the investigation is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). You may also submit tips online.
Updated 1/21
The police have made an arrest in the case.
Horrible. This poor guy will likely be scarred for life by someone who likely was mentally ill.
Holy f---. That's extremely scary. There was another slashing more uptown but they caught the guy. Is this now a thing? Terrifying.
Horrible. Be vigilant, people. Put down the device and take the things out of your ears. Look up!
@Jill you are right and yes, slashing is now a thing. This is seriously awful. There have been a rash of slashings of young women in the city by serial slashers. A Chinese exchange student was slashed last month in Queens, the attacker is still on the loose. Another woman was slashed on 23rd St near 7th Ave. last week by a deranged homeless guy. She got away and then bled all over the Malibu Diner, but luckily the staff helped her out, and the guy was caught in midtown near St.Patrick's the nexr day. The security camera videos of these attacks shows how quickly someone can come up from behind you and do major damage with a box cutter. Just be aware of anyone acting odd and stay away from them if you can.
In 1979, when I was applying for colleges, they told me Cooper Union was in a bad neighborhood.
OMG. That is terrifying. I hope the victim is doing better. My heart goes out to him. I can't even imagine what he went through. The attacker is a piece of scum who needs to be heavily medicated and under treatment. This is really fucking scary. It could happen to any of us. :(
Daniel Wexler,
There is no such thing as mental illness. Read the books by Thomas Szasz, especially "The Myth of Mental Illness." The attacker is a criminal, and should be arrested and brought to justice. If found guilty, he should then have to compensate the victim and do jail time.
As a person who has suffered from severe clinical depression, which unfortunately runs in my family, I can guarantee that there is such a thing as mental illness. Books like Szasz's are the work of idiots who want the world to conform to their belief system instead of confronting reality. Wonder if he happens to be a Scientologist?
That aside, there are a very large number of (mostly young) people living here who think this is Disneyland...a crime-free city where you don't have to pay attention to your surroundings or other human beings. It's not like it was in the 70s, but it's still a big city where you should stay on your toes. Sad if events like this have to happen to drive that point home.
John M, is correct. However I believe one shouldn't live in fear to walk the streets it always is important to be aware of your surroundings which very few people are these days.
The area is so sketchy now because of the ongoing construction at Astor Place. The construction materials, penned off areas, debris, provide lots of places for addicts to sleep, beg, congregate, have sex for money. Walking through this area every day it's the new norm.
there is mental illness, yes, but most who participate in violent crime are not mentally ill.
Excuse me, but I'm the only one who'll be planting (Burpee) seed in this area, thank you very much!
I agree 100%..mental illness is is no joke..its real and more and more kids are suffering from it..I have clinical depression.. It's not something u can control..that gut is an idiot
On the edge of one
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