Well, not the most noticeable tags on the south-facing wall of Ben Shaoul's under-construction condoplex between East Seven Street and East Sixth Street... but they are new as of today...


Previously on EV Grieve:
Someone threw black paint bombs at the naked women condo ad along 100 Avenue A
This hopefully will become a graffiti magnet for years to come. After all people moving into this place want East Village grit as advertised in the real-estate brochure.
Oooh....blue arrows....how appropriate.
So edgy. Yawn.
I got nothing. Graffiti blah blah. I'm actually on the can. Will have more intelligent commentary on Monday.
Today, I saw structural damage to the top left of the building next door to this monstrosity -- a wide diagonal crack and a window sill crumbling. This could be serious....
Oh shit. That is not good. What is wrong with people? This is vandalism and unlawful.
Not sure what to make of the Grieve story. Did the arrows do the graffiti? Did they crack the building next door? Why are they hiding under a sinister blue camouflage?
Which one is vandalism, Anon. 2:58? Hitting an ugly, offensive, priced-beyond-the-reach-of-most-of-us luxury condo with some easily-removed spray paint, or causing possibly building-undermining structural damage to an old, pedestrian neighboring tenement that might result in the temporary or permanent dislocation of its tenants if that damage is serious enough? Just wondering.
I suspect the last minute added floors were illegal too.
BIS lists a violation for the cracking, doubt it's new.
How convenient for Shaol (howeverthefuck his named is spelled!) to cause structural damage next door and then tender a purchase offer to widen his Avenue A footprint.
A STOP WORK order should be in effect NOW to stop further damage and the lawsuits should be flying by now....
how did this building get to 9 floors? i thought i was going to be 6.
@11:33 am
It got to 9 floors through an inclusionary housing bonus: In exchange for affordable housing, a developer gets extra square footage. The bonuses are transferable, and 100 Avenue A received them from another building.
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