A tipster sends along this note ... from a car on East Seventh Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...
Per the note, written on a typewriter:
Your car was shoveled out of the snow for FREE on the evening of Tuesday, January 2016.
If you would like to show your gratitude you could make a small donation to Mighty Mutts Animal Rescue...
If not, that is fine and enjoy the free shoveling.
Updated 1/28
Find an interview with the snow shoveler here
The better approach would have been talking to people who are shoveling and saying, 'Hey, if you make a small donation to our charity [business card given], we'll dig out your car for you.' Instead, this feels like passive aggressive karma hijacking. I'm sure they mean well but that last line reads as bitchy.
This is for Ollie's place on 9th street too.
You can make a one-time donation of any amount. (It looks a bit confusing that monthly auto-pay is only option at first glance)
12:31PM - Well OF COURSE the "better approach" to do this is your way... The last line isn't bitchy, and no one's being coerced into doing anything. "Karma hijacking" - good grief... Listen to yourself man...
Leave it to an EVGrieve commenter to complain about a good deed that SUGGESTS the OPTION of helping to save homeless animals.
A good deed done, with the suggestion of another good deed (if the person whose car was dug out wishes) - what's not to like? I'm glad to hear or read about ANY kind/considerate behavior like this!
Wouldn't it be great if more people did something gratuitously nice?
2:39 AKA 2:52 calm down.
Seriously, maybe it's time to look in the mirror and ask "what is wrong with me that I can't see the positive in any situation?".
OK obviously the person who left the note and keeps commenting over and over and over again, relax. How many times are you going to make the same point? Go back out and shovel.
Then who would post on EVG?
A good deed done gratuitously is shoveling out the car and leaving a note saying "Hey, we shoveled your car out. Have a great day. Love, Mighty Mutts" or even just saying nothing.
A gratuitous good deed is not "hey I did shoveled out your car, if you want to show gratitude pay me." It's like they're trying to shame someone into paying them. It's manipulative.
That's Hilarious! "Passive aggressive karma hijacking" aka PAKH. I know someone whose karma got hijacked around here, and it sure isn't me.
@5:23pm: No, the shoveling was done gratuitously (look up the definition if you have to).
If someone had shoveled out my car (if I had a car!), I'd want to know how I could thank them. So what's "manipulative" about the note that the shoveler(s) left?
The note didn't say "stick 'em up, I/we want money" - the note just suggests that IF the car owner is grateful, here's a way to express that. The shoveler(s) did not try to identify him/her/themselves, so they didn't want to be "paid." I see no "shaming" here, as you claim.
But based on what's been said here today, I'll bet it will be a long time before anyone gratuitously shovels someone's else's car out in the East Village again!
I love it. 5:23pm says the shoveling was done "gratuitously".
And then 8:27pm comes along and "corrects" him "No, the shoveling was done gratuitously". (tells him to look it up)
8:27 ought to look up "literacy".
@8:50pm: As to the word "gratuitously", the person at 3:56pm used it first. I personally think YOU ought to look up "reading comprehension" - and after that, you should consider that maybe not every anonymous commenter is male.
Everybody should donate to Mighty Mutts! I just did!
Fuck you all. I'm with the karma hijacking guy.....Get a real job and donate your own damn money to the mutts.
I shoveled a car out from under 2 feet of snow once and it took well over an hour and it was extremely exhausting....I almost gave up a few times.....not sure who would do this hoping for a donation except a crazed lunatic.
@1:23am: Well as of today (Jan. 28) you have your answer, and it doesn't appear a "crazed lunatic" was involved. Just someone who likes shoveling snow!
As a professional Passive Agressive Karma Hijacker, I'd like to thank the snow shoveler for dumping all those special snowflakes in the gutter where they belong. Thank you for creating a safe space for the rest of us snowflakes who know we are not as fragile and delicate as we look, but are generous of spirit and believe in creating a stronger community. We are strong East Village snowflakes who are not flaky at all, and we appreciate any good deed, since the world has far too few of them. I'll take.a Passive Agressive Karma Hijacker over a Sociopathic Karma Hijacker any day.
@Matthew has 2 T's, dumbass
If you start a reply to a thread about someone volunteering their time to help stray animals with "fuck you all" you may want to consider keeping your comments to yourself. You make a lot of assumptions and very little sense.
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