Friday, February 5, 2016

1983 to 2016: An East Village blizzard then and now photo essay

[1st Avenue near 5th Street from 1983 by Raphael Lasar]

Two Fridays ago, we shared photos that EVG Facebook friend Raphael Lasar took of the Blizzard of 1983 (the Megalopolitan Blizzard). This storm produced some 22 inches of snow on Feb. 11-12 that year.

We posted these photos the day before the blizzard (Jonas, if you'd like) dumped nearly 27 inches here on Jan. 23.

Following this, Cassondra Bazelow, an art director who lives in the neighborhood, went out and took post-blizzard photos at the same locations that Raphael did.

Here then, one location, two blizzards, 33 years apart...

[1st Avenue near 5th Street]

[1st Avenue looking north toward 6th Street]

[1st Avenue at Sixth Street]

[1st Avenue at East 3rd Street]

[2nd Avenue between East 6th and East 7th streets]

[Astor Place]

[Astor Place]

[Astor Place and the Alamo]

[St. Mark's Place between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue]

Previously on EV Grieve:

When the Megalopolitan Blizzard hit the East Village (and NYC) in February 1983


  1. Simply wonderful. Thank you so much, Cassondra and E.V. As I've said before, my mom still lives in Vilkage View. She will love these comparisons.

  2. What an amazing idea; thanks to Ms. Bazelow for taking the time and making the effort!

    1. Thank you! It was a very rewarding personal project!

  3. How cool is that?!?! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Absolutely wonderful. My mom who still lives in Village View across from where Tenzers used to be will love these comparisons. Thank you Cassondra and E.V.

    1. Thank you for sharing them to begin with! I posted a video montage on my site!

  5. Kinda weird how many things have turned into a Starbucks.

  6. Love these! Sad to see the missing building and smoke damage at Second Ave and 7th Street.

  7. > [1st Avenue near 5th Street]

    That is that first set of photos - are they off by one street?

    1. Yes, the Three of Cups building is further back in the original. I have an uncropped image, but it didn't line up for some reason. Perhaps my lens...

  8. p.s. The other photos - a really great collection of 'then and now'!

  9. Holy cow, I'm in one of those pictures, I'm like 99.9% sure I'm the little kid in the bottom right of the Astor Place snow mound shot. That was one of my most favorite childhood memories of climbing that (what at the time seemed like a) mountain of snow. Every time I see pictures or videos of back in the day, it warms my heart, that there is still a record of things pre-internet/pre-digital age.


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