Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Blythe Anne’s (the former Lula’s Sweet Apothecary) has closed on East 6th Street

Another dairy-free dessert option is gone in the neighborhood. Yesterday, Bill the Libertarian Anarchist came across owner Blythe Anne Boyd cleaning out Blythe Anne's, her vegan ice cream shop on East Sixth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B.

Boyd and her husband Derek Hackett, who opened Lula’s Sweet Apothecary together in 2008, were reportedly involved in an ugly divorce several years ago. The shop was closed for several months for a "reorganization" in 2013... Boyd eventually rebranded the space in 2014.

Blythe Anne's ice cream was also available for sale at Sustainable NYC, which closed for good back in August on Avenue A.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Report: Divorce could force closure of Lula’s Apothecary on East Sixth Street

A new sign at Lula's Sweet Apothecary, which remains closed on East 6th Street

Image via


  1. Listen up entrepreneurs, Vegan, fro-yo or loaded with fat real ice-cream is not a good business model unless you open a shop in year round warm weather places. You will fail here.

  2. That's a shame.

    Divorce is expensive.

    My solution is to warn everyone that marriage is too risky.

  3. I live on the block and have been a longtime fan of Lula's. I wish Lula's was coming back but it's not. Spoke to the owner while she was selling off the equipment. R.I.P. Lula's :-(

  4. I am thrilled! I live in the block and am tired of them clogging the sidewalk and throwing their sticky goop all over. Wtf is ice cream without milk anyways? Soy and suger goo? This isn't healthy btw.

    1. Hah! And regular Ice cream is? Since when was milk ever healthy? Maybe you should look into that instead of believing propaganda.

  5. omg Lula's was the best place ever!! But it kinda got weird after the whole reorganization thing. Ice cream wasn't the same. Still sad to see it go though. And right after the other place on St. Mark's :(

  6. Their ice cream was the best, made from cashews, not soy.

  7. The comments that are regularly on this site make me feel like I'm in trouble for being lactose intolerant!

    1. People are rude and ignorant, forget them.

  8. I hate all the fucking snarky commenters on this blog! It's a great, well intentioned, thoughtful blog but also a forum to take shots at business owners who are in the public eye. If you had any idea how hard it is to run a small business you might be a little more sympathetic. Get a life please!

  9. Ice cream sales are not dependent on warm weather. Boston obviously has colder winters and has been saturated with gourmet ice cream shops for decades.

  10. From what I know about this, divorce had nothing to do with it. The Post article is false and misleading. Notice how Boyd was quick to share details with the Post, while Hackett "would not comment," saying it was "a personal matter." I believe a lot more went on behind the scenes - or behind what Boyd chose to tell everyone. It's unfortunate that another local small business has closed, and I am a fan of their product, but I wonder if Boyd is the common denominator between both businesses closing down.

  11. i will dearly miss her ice cream. blythe was such a sweet person too. i was a big fan.

  12. New York and the world lost one of the greatest, home made on the premises, old fashioned ice cream shops around. Vegan or otherwise! That place was great, DIY all the way, and it was not the lack of interest or business that closed the place down. All the locals know it was the drawn out legal battle with insane delusional ex that thought he could sell out and move to an island with the cash... Well Blythe Anne has all the integrity and style, not to mention smarts. She tried holding out, but eventually it was the crazies who one this battle. Sad day for vegans, lactose intolerant, and just plain old home made ice cream lovers. We wish her well.and will miss our east village apothecary.

  13. My family truly mourns the loss of Lula's, and the business it became, which we called Hours of Operation since we didn't see a sign. We would often travel crosstown from Chelsea to get after-dinner licks of the amazing cashew-based ice cream. We have several extended family members who are vegan, so it was a way to have an all-inclusive sweet without any fuss or guilt. One of my birthdays, I got a brownie sundae with homemade maraschino cherry that was to die for. RIP. Start over on the west side, Blythe Anne! Please.


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