[EVG photo from Jan. 25]
Back during the Great Blizzard of Jan. 23®, a group of Bowie fans (the Little Italy Street Art Project) added David to the street sign on the Bowery at East Houston.
The city moved surprisingly quickly to amend the offending Bowery Bowie-ed sign. The city removed it in early February, as BoweryBoogie noted.
And today, a new sign has returned – without the David — to guide travelers on this storied NYC thoroughfare...

David Bowie's son did not like the sign being changed.
David Bowie yes, Havana on the Hudson no.
Viva Fidel!
Enough with the Bowie tributes especially from people who never heard a Bowie song, owned a Bowie record, saw Bowie live or in a video, met or posed in a photo with Bowie, or possessed one thousandth the orignality of Bowie in their fashion, music, or art. Those people are disqualified from paying tribute to him. You missed out now bow to your desperate Bowie wannabes Lady Gaga and Kanye West.
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