The Shape of Lies, the longtime jewelry store at 127 E. Seventh St. between Avenue A and First Avenue, is taking a break.
We'll let their website explain the situation:
GOOD NEWS: We have not lost our lease and we are not leaving the East 7th location. Starting March 1st we are taking an extended hiatus to rethink the future direction of the shop.
BAD NEWS: Several of our designers have fallen in love and moved on. Without these talented women The Shape of Lies will NOT specialize in jewelry next incarnation.
A sign on the storefront mentions a two-month closure.
Meanwhile, there's a sale going on. Go here for details. The shop opened here in 1979. As they say on their Facebook page, "Last of the live/work artists in the East Village."
I think a better approach would be to announce a new direction once you have actually begun that business model not when it seems to still be uncertain. Once you turn off customers with vagueness you will never see them again.
Awww come on. They are the last of the old school. The stuff that made the EV the EV. Back when artists had the storefronts, not the Icon real estate developers. Please come back soon Shape of Lies. We need businesses like yours.
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