Monday, February 8, 2016

Today in pretty cool looking broken lamps on 2nd Avenue

Photo by Derek Berg...


  1. Is that Lady Flocka?

  2. Is that Chairman Mao?

  3. Oh man that's sad.

  4. :-( I was hoping someone would take it rather than do a smackdown on it. It was a good lamp. I just, I dunno, got tired of it?

  5. Actually, Anon, 12:48, if you really were the owner of that kitschy 1950s little gem, you could have gotten a nice chunk of money for it if it was in decent condition before its recent accident (and truth be told, I'm surprised it wasn't snatched up by an appreciative passerby; I certainly would have nabbed it without hesitation had I seen it). If you didn't want to go to the trouble of selling it, next time you might consider donating it to the thrift store on 12th and 2nd or list it on freecycle, the perfect way to get rid of stuff you don't want that's still viable. Sorry for its sad end...

  6. was probably worth some $. Perhaps someone will re-purpose the pieces...


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