Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Have tree - will travel (next stop, Christmas Town?)

EVG reader Andréa Stella spotted this strapped atop a Chinook RV here along East 14th Street near Avenue A...technically not a discarded holiday tree given that it's still atop a Chinook RV (hey, I didn't create the rules — just interpreting them)...

If this helps...



I see it!!!

Anonymous said...

Do they even know it is on there?

DrBOP said...

Cousin Eddie trainer?

Atomic Man said...

Saving it for next year.

It's called RECYCLING, duuuh!

Eden Bee said...

Even the trees are running for the trees.

DrGecko said...

Uh ... Arrow thinks it's a discarded tree, and he's brought his buddies as back up. You might want to reconsider, just sayin'