The Ricky's on First Avenue near East Seventh Street looks to be closed... Aside from the sign on the front door saying "store closed" ...

...there are boxes in the front window and throughout the store...

And it seems like an odd time for, say, taking inventory right before a big sales time like St. Patrick's Day...
Party your #shamrocks off with our #partykit. 🍀🍻 #rickysnyc pic.twitter.com/7RpMDkqlWC
— Ricky's NYC (@Rickys_NYC) March 15, 2016
The salon that was attached to the location moved away last year...

The accessories, cosmetics and novelties store, founded in 1989, has nearly 30 locations around NYC (and now in Miami).
The location opened here in October 2011.
H/T EVG reader Chloe!
Previously on EV Grieve:
Former Miracle Grill garden not-so-suddenly looks like a condo
Former Miracle Grill space on the market
One restaurant, two buildings
Miracle (Grills): A Ricky's and not an eatery opening on First Avenue
Maybe they are consolidating? The Ricky's on 14th just west of Union Square recently doubled its size.
ReplyDeleteAnother one bites the dust...
ReplyDeleteGood riddance tacky store, welcome empty vacant storefront for $15k/month.
ReplyDeleteQuestions. Under tax deductions for vacancies, can landlords deduct "repairs and renovations" and property management carrying costs without yet showing proof of paying for them? I think there is a dirty tax loophole or five for these KO's and pending vacancies.
Bummer. Where else am I going to go to get my hair gel? It's not like there are a hundred million drug stores in the neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteWhile Ricky's isn't a drug store, they do sell all manner of hair, body, and beauty supplies. The closest place from Ricky's is the Rite Aid on 1st Avenue, and if you've been there lately you know that if there are fewer then 10 people on line consider yourself lucky. Seriously, the lines on the weekends are usually 20+ deep and chance are there only two registers open. I'm failing to see how the loss of any place where you can get it, get what you need, and then get out quickly is a good thing. Who cares if it's tacky? Tacky has been Ricky's decor since day one. Stop with all the curated nonsense.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Michael Ivan. I remember the late Miracle Grill, which used the back yard for seating in the summers of 1999 and 2000, before moving to the WV. The noise from the yard was cool.
ReplyDeleteArrg, and they just restocked my purple hair color.
ReplyDeleteI like Ricky's but lost respect for them when they appealed to the santa con and st patricks douches!
ReplyDeleteOh, please, that's a stupid reason. bet you still go to the bars that create the santacon mess. But hate on a business that is trying to make a living off the mess that they have no control over...
DeleteHorrible customer service and defective flat irons. Seriously, I bought 3 that all crapped out within 2 months of light use.
ReplyDeleteStaff follows me around when browsing.
ReplyDeleteThere is a Ricky's on Third Ave. nice service.
ReplyDelete4:41 There was a creepy dude who always followed me around while I was browsing at the 13th/3rd Ave Ricky's as well! It got me so mad I stopped shopping there.
ReplyDeleteRicky's is pretty cool, more than a drugstore, kind of like a drag queen version of the UWS's Apthorp Pharmacy, but it is SO overpriced.
I have to confess, I remember when the store opened (seemed a bit out of place), and over time my mind just stopped perceiving it...
ReplyDeleteMy experience is that Ricky's staff follows everyone around inside the store; I guess they have a big issue with shoplifting.
ReplyDeleteThis location was LOUSY at keeping items stocked. I can't count the number of times I had to walk over to the location on 8th St or 3rd Ave to get the hair dye that I needed.
ReplyDeleteHey Anon 12:20. In your defense of overcrowded (on the weekends) chain drug stores, I just counted, within the Houston to 14th St, 3rd Ave to East River chunk/immediate vicinity of the EV, only 3 Duane Reades, 1 CVS, 1 Rite Aid, and 8 independent pharmacies. Yeah, you're right, responding to the loss of a Ricky's with a bit of sarcasm is "curated nonsense." Sorry, my bad.
ReplyDeleteI go into the Ricky's on Broadway below Canal often, because I walk a dog that lives across the street; although I rarely buy anything there, I never get followed and people are always friendly to me—but that's probably because I have a dog in tow.
ReplyDeleteThe place where I've bought a lot of things is at the Chinese-owned Broadway Downtown Pharmacy next door—which has a lot of the same items for much lower prices.
Ricky is a real person who happens to be VERY nice.