[Photo by Bobby Williams]
Goggla reports that feedings were witnessed at Christo and Dora's nest in Tompkins Square Park this past weekend... meaning at least one of the hawk eggs in the bi-level nest near Avenue B and Eighth Street has hatched.
The red-tailed hawk parents started the nest-building activities back in early February, as Goggla documented.
The nest watch is decidedly different this year... Christo and Dora built their nests on air conditioners the past two years... on the Christodora House in 2014... and the Ageloff Towers in 2015.
Without windows or roof access, it will be more challenging for the hawkarazzi to keep tabs on the action.
Meanwhile, expect to see more food deliveries from Christo, who was busy hunting in the Park yesterday...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]
Previously on EV Grieve:
Red-tailed hawks nest on the Christodora House
The hawks of Tompkins Square Park have laid an egg at the Christodora House
More eggsciting hawk news from the Christodora House
Breaking (heh) news: The hawks of Tompkins Square Park are officially parents
Hawk (and egg) watch continues on Avenue A, now with the help of a live webcam
Christo and Dora are parents! (Again!)
Great shot of Christo on the grass, merci Bobby.
Hawkarazzi, ha!
Urban Hawks managed to catch a flash of a white fuzzy head on video yesterday. You can see it around the 8:31 mark -
Can we name the baby Moe for Moe Hawk?
Thanks, Goggla and EVG, for the updates! Nice video, Urban Hawks!
:-) I was talking with Dora a coupla months ago, and she said they wanted to do a 'in the middle of nature' thing with the nursery this year, so there they are.
Wow! In the video, you can really see the size difference between the Mister and the Missus.
If they are feeding their fluffers now, maybe they will go for a second brood later? Is that even a possibility?
@3:50: They don't usually have a 2nd brood in the same season - they have their beaks full feeding & raising brood #1 each year.
That said, there are exceptions, particularly if something happens to take Mom out of the picture, which we sincerely hope WON'T happen to Dora.
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