[Photo by @nitenateperry]
The black crowned night heron that captivated audiences around Tompkins Square Park just about this time last year ... is back!
Several readers tonight reported seeing the heron hanging out in the Park near the entrance on Avenue A and St. Mark's Place...

[Photo by Jose Garcia]
Here's more about the heron via the National Audubon Society:
Seen by day, these chunky [ed note: husky?] herons seem dull and lethargic, with groups sitting hunched and motionless in trees near water. They become more active at dusk, flying out to foraging sites, calling "wok" as they pass high overhead in the darkness. Some studies suggest that they feed at night because they are dominated by other herons and egrets by day.
The Park has been proven to be a good foraging ground... as seen here.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The night heron apparently comes out at night in Tompkins Square Park
Elusive night heron becoming less elusive
I had to click to see a heron in the park more known at one time for heroin, times change.
Since we're on the subject of birds, has anyone else been "curious" about the tropical bird calls coming from somewhere in the vicinity of 2/3rd Streets between Aves A/B? The past few nights, beginning at 11pm-ish, a loud, repeating but varied tropical bird call has been ringing out for hours. Someone's pet, maybe?
That's fantastic.
1. Grievestrator please. 2. Holy shit that's cool!
So creepy this fuckin thing! I love it.
Now I know where I'll be spending my evenings this weekend. In search of a bird.
Wait until the EV Police Watchtower hears that there's a "heron" epidemic in tha park.
Such a boss, hope I can catch him in the coming weeks. wok wok!
This is so cool. The heron is hunting for rats. Another reason to lay off the rat poison - we've got natural predators on the job.
Those "other herons and egrets" sound like assholes.
Me upon learning of this news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPrtFxd9u9Y
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