Crews for "Girls" will be filming around parts of the neighborhood today... we spotted the signs along Avenue A and Tompkins Square Park as well as East Houston near Clinton Street. (And probably elsewhere?)
Season five recently concluded on HBO ... and the series will end after season six. So, presumably, this filming is for the last season.
Anyway! Coincidentally (or not), the encampment that had been growing in recent weeks at the entrance to Tompkins Square Park along Seventh Street was cleared out yesterday...
Before (photos via an EVG reader)...

...and yesterday afternoon...
So they'll clear out a homeless encampment for a temporary TV shoot but not for the people who live here year-round and have to deal with it on a daily basis? Good to know how low we rate in the city's eyes.
Did you complain 8:35? I bet you didn't. I also bet nobody else did. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Be proactive if it bothers you so much. You can bet your bottom dollar someone was doing their job and that's why it was cleared out.
10:49 isn't wrong.
That show sucks! Just my opinion.
I've actually tried to complain via 311 but they try to transfer me to 911 and it just doesn't feel like a real emergency so...
Much like that show is whitewashed, they're whitewashing TSP for that show. Ain't nothing real about that show. And this is why EV has more nice things, like designer bagels, in the neighborhood -- to soothe the needs of the Girls invading on weekends or for that prolonged tourist 3-6-month stay via Air BnB.
I called 311 last week...i'm sure it was all me lol
Six seasons of garbage.
As a New Yorker, I have yet to see this show. What is all the rage? I have a feeling I am not missing out.
Amen 1:13pm.
Girls = Sex In The City For Hipsters
look, i'm all for a "you do you" mentality, but these guys at the encampment were- and continue to be aggressive towards females. sure, they were truly innovative with their sidewalk grill, but i'm not going to put up with aggressive anything when i walk/run by. getting rid of that encampment DOES not detract from the vibrancy of this community. those dudes are *as equally* bad as the dumb finance bros i put up with on the weekend, too. they all suck. and that one dude with the sunglasses is constantly a nuisance on my block. like do your heroing/ get drank AF but don't talk to me in an aggressive way kthxbye.
The last commenter is right. Being in this neighborhood isn't pleasant on the weekends. The bros seem to own the hood and think this is a fraternity house in Chapel Hill. They are rowdy, drunk, and borderline harassing women.
So they just move to Ave A and 6th street. They didn't clear them out.
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