Has anyone else in 10009 found this kind of notice in their building?

The mail carrier could not gain entry into the building... and, "until further notice," residents will now need to pick up the undelivered mail from the USPS retail outlet on East 14th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue.
I haven't been to this USPS location in awhile. Do they have more than one person working at the counters now?
I avoid the post office on 14th near 1st because the line is always insane, and the employees are so rude. But I went there a couple of weeks ago on a weekday afternoon because my wife thinks it is ridiculous that I walk to the post office on 11th and 4th Avenue, and to my surprise--actually, I was shocked--there was no one in line! I walked right up to the window, and I was out of there in less than two minutes. Has anyone else had this experience recently? Can this possibly ever happen again? Was it a miracle?--CC
ReplyDeleteAn analysis of the criminal little entity known as the USPS.
What the Post Office needs is some free market anarchy.
If you, like most of us, have any lost packages still buried underneath that building, in a way you are now also a real estate developer since you helped to lay the foundation. Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteThe Post Office was supposed to post this same notice in my building, but unfortunately it got lost in the mail.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like yet another form of harassment from a landlord trying anything to get tenants out. Does anyone know if the law states landlord must give keys to the post office?
ReplyDeletei don't know if it's a law but most buildings on my blocj have key safes out front where a master post office key opens the locked key box that contains a key to building's front door so that the postperson can get in and deliver the mail.
ReplyDeletewe've had one for so many years now i can't remember.
Those bitching about the post office in this case are wrong, the landlord is not providing access to the that building, be grateful the USPS is letting you know.
ReplyDeleteCall your management company. Or go spend $2 to have a key made and give it to your mail carrier. Simple solutions that both work, trust me.
ReplyDeleteThis same thing happened to me on 11th st. It actually happened during our regular deliverer's vacation and when he returned to the route, the outside key was just missing. It was taking too long to solve the problem (absent super, missing LL) so I made him a key and he replaced it. Did anyone else in the building give a fuck? No, they did not. All the transients and Eurotrash don't give fucks.
ReplyDeleteMy building on E. 6th street never received a formal notice like this, but a few months ago, neighbors and I realized that we hadn't received any mail for more than a week, so I intercepted the carrier one day and she claimed she didn't have a key to to get into the building and said that I needed to tell the landlady to get a key to the USPS. (We had always received mail just fine--well, as "fine" as it gets in NYC--before this.) I informed the landlady and she did so; mail was fine for another month or so and then the same thing happened again. Landlady was pissed that the mail carriers keep losing keys. I don't understand why this never happened in the past and now it seems to be an ongoing issue.
ReplyDeleteThat post office is the 7th circle of hell...I'm pretty sure. You have to plan for at least an hour in line. It's never a painless experience.
ReplyDeleteMy building on 6th St didn't get mail for over a year because the carrier didn't like one of the tenants. Both of them were insane and we made complaints on a daily/weekly basis to the PO, but were just told to call the carrier directly on his cell. This only resulted in screaming phone calls. I had to go pick up my mail every week at the 4th Ave PO. The counter guy there is very nice, but even he thought the situation was ridiculous and suggested calling the postmaster general. The real annoyance was that who ever filled in when the regular carrier had a day off would actually deliver the mail! This meant we still had to check the damn box on a daily basis in case there might be something in there. The mail started getting delivered again when that carrier mysteriously disappeared.
ReplyDeleteThe building should have a "key keeper" (lock box) in a location accessible to the mail carrier. The carrier can get the key from inside the key keeper & can then open the building's door to let him/herself in to deliver the mail.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure this is a legal requirement for landlords. It should not be an issue of carriers "losing" a key to the front door - that's the whole point of the key keeper.
We have had a number of situations where the key has been stolen from the "key keeper."
ReplyDeleteWhy do people go to the post office? Haven't been there in 10 years.
Why do people go to the post office? Haven't been there in 10 years.
ReplyDeleteGee, I don't know, because we have to MAIL STUFF? Or someone has sent us a certified letter that has to be picked up? Of course there are a million shipping alternatives, but one doesn't always have the choice (or the $$) to use them, to say nothing about having no say in how certain items are sent to you. Do you really think we're all waiting on line at this hellhole to buy stamps for our personal handwritten correspondence? I really hate this question. Congratulations on your USPS abandonment, honestly, but millions of people still need it.
And yes, the "new" Stuyvesant PO is a hellhole too. It's somehow even worse than the old one because it's so small and uncomfortable. But I also don't bother with it anymore; when I need to go to the PO (which I do every single month, TYVM, because for 10 years now I have been forced to send my rent certified to my predatory equity landlord lest it claim I didn't send the rent blah blah), I go to Old Chelsea on 18th. It's a nice PO and the lines move at a decent pace. Many times there is no line.
This happened to my building last year, but we did not get any notice. We were not getting any mail. Alright the lock had not changed in my building, USPS suddenly said they had no access and couldn't reach my super. I finally made a key and hand delivered to them. It was extremely obnoxious.
ReplyDeleteSeveral times now I got USPS notices that say that mail was delivered while that has not been the case. Our superintendent has a CCTV of the hallways and verified that there was no delivery when the post office claimed it. Filling lost mail claims gets no response. Any advice?