About 18 months after first hearing that the Duane Reade on Third Avenue and East 10th Street would be expanding into the two adjacent storefronts... we finally got our first look at the expanded space...

Looks pretty Duane Reade-y.
No word on when the work on the new, longer drug store will be ready for Duane Reade-ing.
The two previous businesses that were Duane Reade-d here between Ninth Street and 10th Street are in new locations — Excel Art and Framing Store on Third Avenue and East Village Cheese on Seventh Street.
The large Duane Reade will be a welcome addition in this area so underserved by retail pharmacy chains. (KIDDING.)
Thank god! I often lie awake at night, tossing and turning, panicking that I may not be able to buy Nice brand frozen pizza, shower curtain liners and a single car tire whenever the mood strikes me. Tonight, I shall sleep knowing Duane Reade will quelle any longing I have for disparate shopping needs.
...and here I thought they'd have a cheese department.
Feeling bold I went into the USQ Duane Reade a few weeks ago. The place is practically a grocery store at this point. And a horrible one I might add. Actually what it most resembles is an on-campus convenience store, full of horrible frozen and long-shelf-ilfe junk food.
Duane Reade always reminds me of the scene in Sicko where Michael Moore asks the pharmacy manager/head pharmacist where the food etc. is and the manager looks at Moore puzzlingly then tells him we're a pharmacy not a grocery store or something to that effect.
@10:55am: And don't forget the kids can get their kegs/growlers refilled at that DR too!
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