Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hi, I'm a baby hawk

The first of the three Tompkins Square Park hawklets fledged on Thursday (by now, the other two may have as well)...

EVG regular peter radley shared these photos of the first fledger from yesterday afternoon... striking a pretty badass pose...

The first of Christo and Dora's eggs hatched in late April. So this one is roughly 8 weeks old. They grow so big with the daily rat tasting menus.

Updated 1:16 p.m.

Apparently the third hawklet just fledged...


  1. No frozen, rolled rats?

  2. Hmmmmm rats.. Fat ones, with a bit of squab app..

  3. Does anyone know if fledglings return to the nest in the evenings or are they really on their own for good?

  4. Dora told me that right now, they do have a curfew, and she does not want them flying around at night. Or going too far during the day.

    p.s. Christo was there, doing the 'Yes, Dear!' thing.

    p.p.s. Christo is just as concerned, but he just does not show it as much.

  5. With the rents in this city, I'm sure they'll be returning to to the nest well into their adulthood.

  6. @Anon 9:52 - we saw all three back in the nest today, so it looks like they are coming back to mooch off mom and dad for food. At this point, it's probably easier for the parents to feed them all in one place.


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