Monday, June 6, 2016

How was your surprise Kanye West concert at Webster Hall earlier this morning?

After Governors Ball officials cancelled Day 3 of the outdoor festival yesterday due to the weather, several of the acts looked to play shows elsewhere. Headliner Kanye West announced a 2 a.m. show at Webster Hall.

A few people showed up...

Some accounts put the crowds at 4,000-plus in the streets surrounding the venue on 11th between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue.

On other East Village streets, people were excited.

Anyway! Not sure whatever was officially supposed to happen... but there wasn't a show...

Check out Gothamist for an account of the chaos.

The Daily News reports that it took two more hours after the show was canceled to clear the street. Police said one person was arrested for disorderly conduct.

Too bad there's not a hotel right across the street from Webster Hall that fans could have stayed in instead.


  1. This debacle pretty well sums up the attitude the NYPD has toward the actual residents of this area. (BTW, and also the consideration Webster Hall has for its neighbors, namely: NONE.)

    If this had been a political protest, the NYPD would have been there in force, but b/c it's *only* a near-riot involving thousands of people in the middle of the night on a block where people live & have to get up for work in the morning, hey, does the NYPD care?

    BTW, who's paying for the vehicles parked there that were damaged?

  2. Just read Gothamist's report. I guess Kanye thinks somebody died and made him king. No, Kanye, you're just a talent-free putz.

    And Kanye, next time why don't you pull this crap outside YOUR apartment and disturb YOUR neighbors while asking the mayor to close off the streets and put up video screens so your "fans" can party the night away right there where you live?

    Kanye is definitely mental. Lock him & Trump in a room and throw away the key; death by ego.

    1. Omg. My insurance went up $1000 a year for the next five years because some asshat broke my window on E 9th at 1st. West purposely caused a danger to the public. I hope a damaged car owner sues him.

  3. ...I haven't ventured out to see how far beyond East 11th St. the mess goes, but I really feel for the people who live and park on that block. What a mess.

  4. So Kanye's (the most popular hip hop artist in the world) fans are hipsters? We are through the looking glass people.

  5. I'm looking at Kanye's tweets and wondering when/where he instructed the crowd to go to Webster specifically ... anyone know? Did he straight-up say "show at Webster Hall" during Summer Jam the night before? No one is reporting the details of this debacle very clearly (e.g., "hinted at a secret show" is not helpful to understand how this happened, Daily News).

    1. It circled around some Instagram posts from Kanye's creative director, Virgil Ablo. Not sure if he actually said "Webster Hall, but folks were beliveving it; I also saw NJ (the entire state?) and West 42nd Street mentioned; posters were "getting really worked up about it. Here's a link to Abloh's Instgram about a 2 am show.

  6. Live two blocks away, I thought they were filming a horror movie....

  7. I bet all those "hipster" Kanye fans probably had to sleep in the street because Metro North trains stop running at 2AM.

  8. I'm sure all those people had a wonderful time anyways. And now they have a story they can tell their moron grandkids.

  9. I'm actually very impressed that de Blasio didn't jump out of bed and make a Kanye West show happen in the streets of the East Village. Blown away actually. I would've bet the farm that that guy would do literally anything Kanye West asks for.

  10. I had no idea there were this many losers in the East Village.

  11. I hope Kanye West eventually develops an obsession with Jim Jones and takes a bunch of his fans with him.

  12. Who is Kanye West?

  13. What the FUCK is it with this IDIOT?.....NO NO NO fuckin' TALENT......NO NO NO contributions to SOCIETY......NO NO NO worthwhile MESSAGE (EXCEPT to jack-up women and kids).....NO NO NO sense of HISTORY (EXCEPT when it comes to slavery).....doesn't even understand the cultural history of HIS OWN music (beyond hip-hop, of course.....who is Sam Cooke anyways?).....CANNOT dance, sing OR act AT ALL!!!......


    So WHAT is it that makes these folks into LEMMINGS, NOTHING but MINDLESS follow-the-fuckin'-leader ANIMALS???.....running through the Village that has produced artists and thinkers that have CHANGED THE WORLD to see THIS MINDLESS FUCK who I think would consider changing a light bulb an intellectual challenge.

    So UNsocial media has been around strongly for, what, five years or so, and this is the best thing it can's like watching creatures run to get ON the Titanic.


  14. Unfortunately, neither the Mayor nor the NYPD could've prevented a Kayne West show at Webster Hall, just Webster Hall who like someone said, has zero consideration for the residents on the block or the surrounding area. However, the NYPD could've and should've broken up the crowd (since they like to break up protests) and the fire marshall should've shut down Webster Hall as I bet WH was over capacity besides that the throngs of people outside were blocking the entrance (and I'm guessing side exits.)

    This was nothing more than an ego boost for KW. He knows he'll never shine the shoes of the late Prince or Bowie who never pulled stunts like this, so he pulls stunts like this so he could say "I remember when I played Webster Hall..." like it means anything when an arena big act plays a small club when it doesn't. Seriously, Prince did play small venues but he never announced it even in the social network age, he just showed up and played.
    Even Lady Gaga for all her outrageousness has yet to play a secret show in the city and if she did I'd give her a pass cuz she's from the city born and raised, still living here, and made her bones in/around the East Village. You could argue her throngs would be just as obnoxious as KW's but I don't think so. Her fans would be more Tunnel and Limelight than Barclays Center and Madison Square Garden.

  15. I have a hard time with this fellow myself. I don't see the big talent. Rapper with a mediocre sense of rhythm and an average vocabulary. Amazing how he has reached this god-like status on the basis of those so-called skills. Jay-z is like freakin Bob Dylan compared to this guy and I am not any kind of Jay-z fan. Must be the Kardashian effect. Kids go crazy for anything Kardashian related. Yup even NYC area kids.

  16. Fucking douchebags. How could nobody be arrested? Climbing on cars and damaging them for absolutely no reason. Retarded.

  17. 12 brunchers brunchin' (and splitting the checks)June 6, 2016 at 4:05 PM

    Yo, Kanye, I'm really happy for you that you decided to hold a last minute concert in Webster Hall, and Im'a let you finish, but Taylor Swift has one of the best presence in NYC of all! Of all time!

    Just look, her fandom is willing to boycott a restaurant for not playing her songs when requested. AND! they would chalk it up on a sidewalk in front of said restaurant to let the EV know and the rest of NYC that she is the best of all time. Of all time!

    AND, she is the current ambassador of New York fuckin' City and will go down in history as the best NYC ambassador. Just look at the hoard that she brings in every fuckin' single day. And brunch! Brunch! The best brunch crowd of all time. Of all time!

  18. In the end it seems that the kids got what they really wanted--a mere glimpse of their idol. It's not about the music.

  19. How is it legal for Webster Hall to even *attempt* to have a suddenly-scheduled event that will START at 2am on a Monday morning

    Not to mention absolutely no crowd control - actually, make that: less than zero crowd control. WH not doing anything, NYPD not doing anything. WTF? If there had been so much as a single gun shot - but nah, that never happens anywhere around here, does it?

    PS: If there's going to be a hotel across from Webster, I deeply hope Webster goes out of business; WH would make a nice glass condo building.

  20. Can we just shut Webster Hall down already!

  21. Webster Hall is NutsJune 6, 2016 at 9:39 PM

    Webster Hall is nuts to think they can just schedule a last minute concert with Kanye and have no extra security or police presence to ensure public safety. Have they forgotten that just four months ago a huge fight broke out on stage between Webster Hall bouncers and performers at the Skate Maloley rap show? And just two weeks ago a man was killed and three others where shot at a rap concert a few blocks away at Irving Plaza. and they thought they could bring in Kanye? At the last minute?? With no notice to the NYPD or extra security staff? Are they nuts???

  22. Is it illegal to have live music at 2am in NYC?

  23. Why would anyone go see him is the big question.

  24. @9:39: Yes, Webster Hall is nuts, stupid AND careless. They endangered a great many people with this foolish TWO O'CLOCK IN THE EFFING MORNING non-event "event". Can you say "liability" Webster Hall owners?

  25. 'cept nobody from the Citay seems to mind. It's just "harmless fun" and the p(o)lease "did a great job of dispersing the crowd"...

    Kayne wins this round people. See you on the other side (of the Hudson).

  26. I'm saying this in jest, but:
    Next time this kinda shit happens let's just stand on the edge of the crowd with a "Black Lives Matter" sign. The police will clear the area quite quickly.
    Not in jest:
    Seriously - I hope defense lawyers use this as an example of the unequal treatment protesters receive. How did only one person get arrested?

  27. I like Webster Hall and much of their programming of bands, so overall I am glad the venue remains.
    But this was a real mis-fire.

    - East Villager

  28. Best. Kanye. Concert. Ever.

    - East Villager


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