Friday, June 10, 2016

Tonight on Ludlow Street: Anton van Dalen's Avenue A Cut-Out Theatre

Longtime East Village resident Anton van Dalen is performing his Avenue A Cut-Out Theatre tonight.

Here are some details via the EVG inbox...

This time it will take place at ROMEO, 90 Ludlow Street, on the 5th floor by elevator. Doors open 6:30 pm, performance 7 pm.

My one-person exhibition there remains on view until Sunday June 19. Exhibition open Saturdays and Sundays 12 noon until 6 pm.

Second exhibition is at Sargent’s Daughters and closes coming Sunday June 12. Its location is 179 East Broadway, open Wednesday through Sunday. The hours are from 12 noon until 6 pm.

He first performed the Avenue A Cut-Out Theatre in 1995 at the University Settlement House on the Lower East Side. The performance has been shown at numerous institutions, including The Drawing Center, the Museum of Modern Art and The New York Historical Society. Read more about the performance and its history right here.

1 comment:

  1. This looks really cool and interesting, like a must-see. Love his work.


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