[Photo by EVG White House correspondent Steven]
President Obama is in town this afternoon and evening for two fundraising events. He also taped a segment for "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon."
Anyway, in case you were wondering about the massive NYPD presence and barricades on Astor Place, Lafayette, East Houston, etc.
Updated 6:15 p.m.
Another photo via Steven...
Those new Cadillacs are pretty nice!
... and another via Steven...
Updated 6:40 p.m.
Here's the Presidential motorcade passing Avenue A at East Houston a little earlier... via EVG reader Ronnie... (highlight at the 19- to 24-second mark...)
Previously on EV Grieve:
East 12th Street and Avenue A tonight: Waiting for the President to pass by
And Third Ave @ St. Mark's and 9th Street are completely blocked...just came home from Astor Place ourselves!
Somehow I just don't need this now with all of the construction already...
Is this the Cadillac commercial EV spoke of the other day?
I'm going to miss you Mr. President.
Helicopters bussing over St Mark's and 1st...
I saw all the police baricades and just assumed it was for Kanye
I was trying to get home on the M9 bus and called my roommate to find out that yes, the president was in town.
So what was the stop about in the East Village? Acai in a hoof? Beer store? I went out around 6:30 but all I saw was the aftermath, large trucks and crowds!
I'm devastated that, because of the construction delays and planning snafus, the President had no place to sit in my new Astor Place. A dark day even my Burpee Seeds cant brighten.
The current POTUS is more of a celebrity star or a sales rep than a leader of a powerful nation. This is what happens when elections has become like a a reality TV show voting system, like the American Idol. He might as well have Kanye to have his VP. They garner the same attention and crowd. Maybe they should have had a surprise appearance together at Webster Hall.
So the Prez comes to town and causes the closing of the FDR, Houston Street and everything else south of Union Square. Police overtime at $1.5 million. All this to have an intimate gathering at the Buzzfeed owner's apartment where the most expensive ticket ran $35K.
Question? Did he collect more than $1.5M? Perhaps the NYPD should just fund his campaign and let people travel about the city and conduct their business.
On another note- is that not a bit of arrogance? All the working dudes and dudets who were trying to get home via surface transport were stuck for 90 minutes because Buzzfeed and the Prez needed to feed their egos. Where is the respect for the working man? (or folks as the Prez likes to say)
A vote for anyone but Clinton or no vote at all is a vote for Trump, too.
Go fuck yourself if you vote for him or anyone else but Clinton or don't vote at all.
I want a Clinton/Sanders ticket because if Sanders is the VP the Democratic governor of Vermont Peter Shumlin who endorsed Clinton would appoint a Democratic senator in Sanders' place. If Clinton picked Elizabeth Warren or Sherrod Brown as her running mate (I want those to succeed Clinton/Sanders for 2024-36 - either Warren/Brown or Brown/Warren :), the Democrats would lose a Senate seat as the Republican governor of the state either VP serves (Charlie Baker of MA or John Kasich of OH) would replace him or her with a Republican Senator. Don't give that POS Kasich any power from his presidential run grave. Vote those two governors out and Democrats in their places so Warren and Brown would be replaced by Democrats if they decided to run together in 2024 after Clinton/Sanders kick ass 2017-25.
Bernie Or Bust is a copout, cowardice, and stupidity because Clinton with Sanders, Warren, or Brown as VP will raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, institute single payer healthcare and gun control, and uphold a woman's right to choose and provided she has control of Congress, the Senate, and the Supreme Court I want her to appoint Obama to (the ultimate fuck you to all you Obama haters out there LOL.) I think she'd win both Houses and the SC. This would spell the end of the Republican party once and for all.
For fuck's sake you nattering crybabies, it's the PRESIDENT. Wherever they go, no matter what they do, in public, it's been this way with all of the presidents before you were born and it's gonna be this way with all of the presidents after you die. Plus, unlike refugees dying from their rafts capsizing in oceans while seeking freedom, y'all are still alive to bitch about it online later on while eating pizza and drinking beer. Deal with it or move to Antarctica where the only pedestrian problems you'll have is having to step around piles of penguin poop.
@2:33 Even worse, complaining about complaints.
Keeping presidents from visiting NYC is reason enough to vote republican.
Stop whining about the traffic/inconvenience. The subways were running with no delays.
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