Thursday, August 11, 2016

Box Kite Coffee now looks to be reopening on St. Mark's Place

On Monday, the above chalkboard sign appeared inside the now-closed Box Kite Coffee at 115 St. Mark's Place... a bit of a bridge-burning farewell...

"Time to quit drinking coffee, the sublime tastes of our myriad roasters cannot be made by Every Man or Woman or any 'Joe Coffee' on the block. Our 'More Stars Less Bucks' gift to NYC paid back in [hearts] many times over, but not in the old do-re-mi. Taste is the most important aspect of coffee and we were the only game in town."

However, an EVG commenter noted that the chalkboard sign has a new message... a help-wanted ad for an experienced manager "to reopen" ...


  1. Nice fake closing to drum up extra business.

  2. One tipster tells us that the first message wasn't the work of owner Matt Prete.

    Well is the second sign looking for a new manager the work of owner Matt Prete? Because it is the exact same handwriting

    This place and everyone involved (including the apparently multiple "tipsters" who I'm sure are also not the owner!!) sound like exhausting drama queens.

  3. Good point, 6:33. I removed that passage because we don't really know who is responsible for either sign.

  4. Yikes are these people on a coke bender or something. So manic.

  5. Just what I like ... a business that doesn't know if it's open or closed.

  6. And on episode 2 of boxkite...

  7. Cant wait not to come back

  8. At least they didn't say they were peelin' potatoes.

  9. 2:31 exactly. in that sense kind of makes you glad they are re-opening. whatever, good luck to them now that they've shown everyone their emotional hand.


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