[Photo from Saturday]
As you may recall, the owners of the Kati Roll Company are opening their fourth Manhattan location at 128 Second Ave., former home of the Stage.
The Kati crew is on the CB3 SLA committee docket this month for a beer-wine license at the space between Seventh Street and St. Mark's Place. (Kati withdrew from the July meeting.)
According to the questionnaire (PDF!) on file at the CB3 website ahead of tonight's meeting, Kati plans to be open from 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday-Thursday, until 5 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. (The questionnaire states that they will stop serving beer-wine at 4 a.m.)
In addition, the small space will have six tables seating 14 people.
And here's more about the restaurant via their website:
The signature dish of The Kati Roll Company, Kati Rolls, are made by wrapping warm paratha, a type of Indian flat bread, around a variety of meats, vegetables and cheese. Each ingredient is marinated in a proprietary blend of Indian spices, creating a distinctive taste available nowhere else. Rolls can also be wrapped with a whole wheat roti for a healthier option.
Diners may choose from a select few fillings like beef, chicken, lamb, egg, shrimp, mixed veggie patty, chana masala, paneer cheese or potatoes. The finished Kati Roll is wrapped in either a paratha or a whole wheat roti and served hot, making it a satisfying meal that can be enjoyed virtually anywhere.
Tonight's CB3-SLA meeting is at 6:30 in the Thelma Burdick Community Room, 10 Stanton St. at the Bowery.
The Stage, the 35-year-old lunch counter, closed on March 30, 2015. Stage owner Roman Diakun had been involved in an ongoing legal/eviction battle with landlord Icon Realty. (You can read that background here.)
Sorry Kati - I will never step foot in there.
Who gives a damn about Kathi rolls -- what type of beer and wine are they serving!
Is that their logo on the green plywood?
7:18 am: lol like they'll miss your patronage when they're laughing all the way to the bank. The location on McDougal is awesome btw and I'm thrilled they'll be in the neighborhood
So more Disneyland, and less actual food.
Play food, something to grab to revive a night of partying.
Real nourishment, in all senses, has been beaten out of our neighborhood :(
They could offer dancing Martians as servers and I would still not patronize the place. Not only do I refuse to spend money with whoever replaced Stage, I also decline to make the shits at Icon any richer than they already are.
Bad enough they will appeal to late night drunks and stay open until 5am they want to add fuel to the fore and serve alcohol until 4 which btw can be legally consumed until 4:30 am.
Be a good neighbor Kati and stop serving at midnite!!
(The questionnaire states that they will stop serving beer-wine at 4 a.m.)
Wow since they close at 5, that'll give them an hour to clear the place of drunks. GOOD THINKING.
Doesn't the indian word Manahatta mean "the place to get drunk at"?
If they're able to offer faster service than what they do at their midtown east location, I'll be there. Their chicken tikka roll is delicious, but even when nobody is in there, it still sometimes takes a half hour. Get it together!
To landlords: look at all the people who are boycotting this space. This is not good business for your tenants. Will not patronize, either.
Never will I spend a dollar there.
9:54 AM: You should look up the history of this spot before commenting.
If truth be told, none of the loudest voices calling for a boycott of Kati Roll were never going to try it anyway. What is the crime committed by the owners of Kati Roll? Ah, yes, they rented a store once occupied by a beloved restaurant. If that is the basis of the boycott, I must be missing something. I myself notice how many sentences begin with IF: if this were a reasonable approach to dealing with life in the EV, then most of us were have no where to go to buy things or to eat. Get over it!! Kati Roll is not the villain in this saga. If they have a good product, which apparently they do from some posts, they won't need your business. Stop showing off.
if i were going to rent an apartment or store these days i would certainly want to kmow something about the landlord.
I've been to the Kati on MacDougal a couple of times and liked it. [vegan options]
It'll be easy to steer clear of this one, though.
I love their food and can hardly wait till they open.
Anon 10:27 And what would you do if they didn't pass your litmus test?
I'm reluctant to comment on the issue of patronizing the Kati Roll business, but feel compelled to do so because it's "close to home for me" in every sense of the word. I've lived on the block that housed The Stage for more than 40 years, and nobody appreciated Roman, Chester and the other workers there more than I did. Great food, great neighbors. My opinion is at odds with those of other commenters whose opinions I've come to value, specifically Giovanni and Gojira. I know these individuals love this neighborhood as much as I do, with roots as deep as mine. I, too, try not to support corporate entities I find despicable. For instance, I try not to buy Georgia-Pacific paper products, because that is a Koch Brother company. But I think Kati Roll people are not the bad guys here. And I do wish anyone associated with Icon Realty would burn in hell, with a flame lit by Donald Trump's hair. At the ceremony this past March commemorating the explosion on 2nd Avenue, I saw a couple of douche bags in Icon jackets loudly and jovially chatting as victims and City officials made heart-felt statements regarding the suffering of our neighbors. But, again, that's not the people starting to launch a new business at 128 2nd Avenue. Boycotting them will not bring back The Stage. And as for worrying about another establishment serving beer and wine - please, that horse has left the barn. I don't think more drunken screamers and woo hoo ers are going to materialize because of a Kati Roll store. Personally, I'm more worried about a glass/steel condo rising in the lot left by the fallen buildings. This boycott talk feels like the well intentioned but wrong logic of some Bernie Sanders supporters, who convinced themselves that they alone possessed any moral integrity, and are willing to gift us a President Trump by refusing to vote for the demon Hilary. Just my humble opinion, but I like Indian food, and am willing to move on and give this new place a try. To those who disagree, that's your right, and I respect that. Peace
Silverpanther: A boycott buy its nature effects innocents and bystanders. If everyone boycotted Georgia Pacific you would put out of work a lot of hard working people who are just trying to feed their families. So I don't agree that Kati roll automatically gets a pass. Whether or not you think a boycott would have any useful effect is another matter.
@Silver Panther Correction: I never called for a boycott, but at this point I might join one. My objection is to their food and service. Maybe I'm biased because I've had some pretty good kati rolls in Bangalore, Mumbai and Delhi, as well as in Curry Hill, but these guys rolls were greasy, with not enough filling, and their service was both sloppy and slow. I'm hoping this place does food and service much better than their other locations. Otherwise you can forget about the boycott, if their food and service isn't good they will be peelin' potatoes real soon. And then their landlord will be regretting the shabby way in which they treated the Stage, a beloved local institution, which they should feel sorry about, but never will.
PS-- That comment about the Bernie supporters is a real stretch and off topic. Unless, that is, you're trying to alienate as many readers of this blog as possible, I n which case, good job!
My bad, I didn't mean to speak for you, and I accept your characterization of my Bernie supporter remark. Off topic indeed, and a result of a personal situation with a long-time friend who would not accept the fact that I agreed with everything Bernie stands for, but doubted his ability to get it done. But let's not go there. As I said, I appreciate your contributions on these pages, and don't wish to alienate anybody. We can all share opinions, and disagreement is not a bad thing.
@SilverPanther No worries, and while I support a good boycott It seems like there are better ways to get back at landlords without targeting a new business that had nothing to do with this fight. I for one will try their Kati rolls, but hope they are better than the ones I had in the past. Otherwise they will be peelin' curried potatoes in a hurry
So a wonderful restaurant with food that appealed to all sorts of people has been replaced by a reportedly greasy sloppy single provider. Not if it were the last food left on earth would I ever spend a cent there.
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