[Photo by EVG reader Joaquin]
The FDNY is on the scene of a reported fire at 93 E. Seventh St. just off First Avenue... coming from Caracas Arepa Bar...
— FDNYalerts (@FDNYAlerts) September 21, 2016

[Photo via the LES Dwellers]
Updated 8:10 a.m.
Some video via Joaquin...
Updated 8:25
Two photos via Allen Semanco, who noted the quick response from area fire companies got the fire under control... residents were seen evacuated the corner building...

Updated 8:31
An all-clear via the FDNY...
— FDNYalerts (@FDNYAlerts) September 21, 2016
Updated 11:30 a.m.
No word yet on damage to Caracas... Luke's Lobster next door announced a delay in opening ...
Safety first today. Our #eastvillage shack is closed until we know the block is safe! https://t.co/JQGbTHUBfp
— Luke's Lobster (@LukesLobster) September 21, 2016
Updated 4:30 p.m.
The Caracas to go space is open next door... here are the signs that greet customers...

Co-owner Maribel Araujo provided an update to Grub Street:
While the street-facing front of Caracas was spared, half of the restaurant — including the kitchen, bathroom, refrigeration, part of the office, and the back half of the basement — essentially “burned down,” Araujo says. Walls are ruined, the basement was flooded with a foot and a half of water, and there is currently no electricity or gas. No one was hurt, Araujo says, and the fire was contained to the restaurant.
There isn't a timetable for the return... and it could be serious enough that they need to relocate.
Hope everyone in the building is fine...
I passed by and several onlookers told me that the FDNY were called early in the morning but left after a quick "investigation". FDNY came back at around 7am and the building was on fire. They should have stayed.... just saying.
Curse of the arepa strikes again.
@834, your "observation" smacks of hindsight is always 20/20, just saying.
Anon. 8:34, why don't you join the FDNY, since you obviously know all about how the department should work - you can give them the benefit of your greater wisdom.
So glad they were able to put the fire out. It is so terrifying when there is a fire in any of these old buildings. I wish they were all required to have sprinklers, especially when there are restaurants on the ground floor.
Damn son. First Guayoyo fire now this.
Anon 1:14pm - your "observation" smacks of having an inability to handle criticism. By any chance are you supporter of the God Emperor - He With Tiny Hands?
The owner of Caracas also wonders why the fire department didn't find anything after they checked out the situation at 2:30 am in a story posted on Gothamist. She isn't pointing fingers, just wondering. Feel bad for residents of this building. Gas and electric is off and restaurant was badly damaged.
Anonymous 1:14 and 2:08: it would be nice if the FDNY could explain how did they not find the source of fire or what exactly was going on when they went to Caracas at 2:30am when tenants reported smoke coming from the restaurant.
I also wonder how the person who initially called the fire dept. feels about them leaving as well.
yeah, i also wonder why the fire dept just left when they first came over knowing that there's still smoke coming from caracas... hmmm...
sonnovabitch...is this some kind of anti-Venezuelan conspiracy?!?!? First Guayoyo and now Caracas.
I hope these guys get back up and running soon. It's not an Icon building, is it?
F.D.N.Y. was originally there for more than 40 minutes. I wouldn't call that quick. Just saying
40 minutes and they didn't resolve anything. Just saying.
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