[Random ConEd plant photo]
A 30-plus year resident of East Eighth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C shares the following...
Beginning approximately this summer, I noticed a noise that is very irritating and sometimes wakes me up. If I am awake when the noise is occurring, I cannot get to sleep.
The noise is difficult to describe but I will attempt: It is a mid-range whining or humming noise. It permeates everything and sounds industrial. It sounds as if someone is blowing in an empty soda bottle and then amplified 100,0000 times. Each occurrence of the noise lasts anywhere from approximately 3-10 minutes and continues on an intermittent basis (sometimes several times an hour), day and night, seven days a week.
When I open my window to get a read on where the noise is coming from, it is always from the direction of the ConEd plant. I believe that this is where this noise comes from. Over the years the ConEd plant has been the cause of many, many irritating, disturbing and dangerous noises and explosions that have plagued the neighborhood.
The noise is very disturbing. I am sure it can be heard for more than a six-block radius surrounding ConEd (if indeed it is the source).
Anyone else have similar experiences with the noise the reader describes?
Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village residents ask: WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT NOISE LAST NIGHT?
About that really loud noise around 14th Street and Avenue B last night
Con Ed apologizes for the 'inconvenience' of waking you up at 4:30 a.m.
The breaker pop heard 'round the neighborhood
I'm on 6th between A and B and hear these noises from time to time.
ReplyDeleteThey seem to come from the south side of 6th St. toward A, so maybe they come from the ConEd station on the corner. Someone told me a few months ago that they sometimes come from the roofs of buildings on 7th St. between A and B.
Intrusive noise is a quality of life issue. This noise, as well as ambulance and fire truck sirens, are among the more annoying things about this neighborhood.
My other favorite candidates for annoying things are the film/TV shoots at Josie's on 6th and at Horse Shoe (sp?) on 7th.
Other issues are loud music from cars, and the use of cell phones on the side walks, especially late at night. You're not alone if you ever fantasize about throwing rocks at these cars from your roof.
I have to say drunks yelling on the streets at night has got all of those things beat when it comes to quality of life issues. A loud hiss, hum is "white noise" compared to sudden screams and overly dramatic laughter from patrons of Double-Wide and other sports bars. Although I do empathize.
ReplyDeleteI live on 7th street near 1st avenue and there is an unbearable newish 'hum' coming from the roof of the Organic Market on First Avenue. it keeps me awake and it can be physically FELT. when it turns off you are truly realize how disruptive it is. I don't even know where to begin with a complaint or if anything could be done. definitely intrudes on my quality of life as my window can no longer be opened while it is in full hum mode. I still love my neighborhood though :)
ReplyDeleteSame here being annoyed 24/7 by the giant fan behind the Eddy on 6th & 1st. I tried 311, but the noise isn't high enough decibels to get an inspector to come out. Vibrating all the buildings around it is driving me nuts. I'm afraid we're going to see more of these giant industrial fans on all the new buildings going up. Any update on those residents who were being driven insane by the 7/11 fans on 11th & A?
ReplyDeleteCall NYC DEP and ask them to come to your apartment and take a reading. Ask then to come when the noise is loudest. You can ask for a morning appointment, an afternoon appointment and an evening appointment. They will come and they will issue a violation. It is a process by they will eventually shut the system down if the situation doesnt get resolved
ReplyDeleteThe cooling unit on top of the C-town has been having issues, it sounds like a giant cricket.... they have fixed it a few times this summer...
ReplyDeleteIt's possible to claim that a fan is creating a nuisance, even without a noise violation, but you'd probably have to hire a lawyer to do it right.
ReplyDeleteI'm on 11th and C and also hear this noise I think. I suspect it is coming from the giant HVAC unit on the roof of 189 avenue C? It is REALLY annoying.
ReplyDeleteI also live on 8th between B&C and totally hear the same noise! you have described it exactly. it is totally irritating.
ReplyDeleteit used to be absolutely silent here in the square of 5th/6th sts and 1st/2nd ave after about 2 am when all the restaurants closed - now there is a constant 60 db humming outside that is penetrating closed windows curtains and brick. this is serious health issue for residents, the inspectors are helpless because you can't identify the source. new laws need to be passed to address this unnatural situation of possibly hundreds of heavy industrial motors running on a single block at once. this is an industrial neighborhood, not a residential neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the whistling but the proliferation of these new exhaust fans are a recent thing and need to stop. They're totally industrial and not meant to be in close residential areas right up near people’s apartment windows. Middle-Collegiate church next to us on East 7th(1st/2nd) installed one in the side alley over a year ago and it's basically ruining my life. Nonstop 24/7 heavy mechanical WHRRRZ and clicks, very loud, you hear it over your AC or fan or TV or stereo. No break. It's rendered 2 of my 4 windows unopenable. Sounds like a city bus is idling 5 feet from my window at all times. No more silence in my apartment EVER. Ironic that a church robbed us of our ability to have peaceful quiet contemplation. If you’re having a similar situation, register repeated complaints on 311.org to start.