Thursday, October 6, 2016

Report: EMT subdues knife-wielding man on 14th Street and Avenue B

Oh yeah. The Daily News reports that two EMTs were responding to a 911 call on 14th Street and Avenue B last night around 9 ... when, unrelated to their call, EMT Bruce Fonseca and his partner "heard loud screams for help."

Per the News:

The duo ran to the source of blood-curdling screams and found two men in a fight — one of them armed with a very large knife.

Fonseca radioed for help while his partner took on the angry assailant.

The EMT was able to get the weapon away from the attacker while Fonseca subdued him.

The article doesn't mention what the two men were fighting about... or what the original 911 call was about...


  1. Fighting to be first on line at the new Target?

  2. That's f-d up, Anonymous 1:48 PM.

  3. Sure it wasn't Edward Scissorhands?

  4. Saved from the cops who most assuredly would have pumped a clip into him.

  5. Wow. This is terrifying. Gotta salute the brave EMTs who took the guy down. They risked their lives to make sure someone else didn't die or get hurt.

  6. I agree. NYPD would have just shot the dude. Way to go EMT -- the best!

  7. I dunno, I think Anon. 1:48's answer was pretty damn funny, given that it was obviously sarcasm.

  8. Good job EMT guys, brave!

  9. Bigearljr...And the police would have been justified if it had come to that.

  10. My corner! I walked by there around 8 pm and there was a new guy soliciting funds while the regular guy watched, but seemed jovial. I hope it wasn't them.

  11. I walked by as the EMTs were pulling up and whatever happened went down on the opposite corner - at the Chinese restaurant. When I went by, there was a Chinese man inside the restaurant trying to hold the doors closed and he had something long and silver in one hand (looked like a crowbar from the other side of the street but could have been a knife).

  12. Anon 1 was funny. Don't take life so seriously Anon 2.

    And people...who is screwed up here? You have no respect for the police. You condemn every man in uniform with ignorant statements like yours. You have no clue as to how many calls the police respond to every day and nobody gets shot. When you condemn the entire police force you are just being hateful and prejudicial. It is no different than being racist. Condemn an entire group of people by race, creed, color, politics, uniform, tall, fat, are being hateful and causing division. Stop and take a look around for a change and find the good people in the world. Stop focusing on your hate.

    All you need is love.

  13. Some individuals deem it ok to condemn entire groups of people...they make up the rules on who it's ok to condemn though, so just make sure to check with the rule-makers first.


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