Given that the Christmas/holiday tree stands will be arriving in about two weeks, it seems like a good idea to go ahead and toss last year's edition... which might be why EVG reader Riian Kant-McCormick spotted this fresh-looking pine beauty on Avenue A and Sixth Street today... easily setting a new tree-tossing record, for anyone keeping track of such important things.
Nice to see democracy at work. Too bad it didn't work on November 8th. As long as Giuliani doesn't get appointed to Attorney General, we're somewhat safe.
The comments sure turn fast. The focus is Christmas. Happy Times.
Wowzers. This is a new record by far.
Does it light up and spin on its own? Offer an all marshmallow menu?? Is it on sabbatical or peelin' potatoes??? Didn't think so! #notmychristmastree
where is today's newspaper as proof? given recent events can we trust anything or anyone?
I am keeping track and I have a chart with graphics and other important things.
Guiliani..Palin and Christy are on the proposed agenda
Puppets of George Soros
Let's clarify the rules, okay? The 'tree' has to be a Christmas tree was put at Christmas, kept for a long long time, and then finally thrown out.
That looks like a tree that was cut a couple of weeks ago, and not used as one from Christmas 2015.
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