Monday, November 7, 2016

Reported: Man sentenced to 14 years for 3 sexual assaults in the East Village

Juan Scott was sentenced today to 14 years in prison for three assaults that took place in 2014, the Daily News reported.

In October 2014, police arrested Scott for the attempted rape of a 20-year-old woman in an elevator at 600 E. 14th St. in Stuy Town. Scott was later linked to two other attacks, one on East 11th Street and one on East 13th Street.

One of the victims was a woman Scott had been dating. He reportedly held the woman captive for five hours in her apartment.

At his sentencing today, the victim recalled the attack, "and also blasted the NYPD, specifically disgraced Manhattan Special Victims Division Lukasz Skorzewski who was accused of groping a woman whose alleged rape he was investigating."

She said Skorzewski belittled the heinous crime she reported and told her Scott was "not going to jail for this."

It was previously reported that Scott is an estranged cousin of Rosario Dawson. Her mother and father and other relatives lived at the now under-renovation 544 E. 13th St., where police arrested Scott.


  1. This guy is about to have quite a rough stretch in prison.

  2. What the fuck is an estranged cousin? Am I to hold Rosario Dawson responsible for this or something? 'Man Who Lingered Too Long in Spa Window While Dakota Fanning Was Getting a Pedicure Charged With Conversion of Property in Dispute With Neighbor.'

  3. What's an estranged cousin? Ask Rudy Giuliani's ex-wife, she's the definition of an estranged cousin.

  4. How "estranged" can he be considering he was arrested at the residence where her entire family resides?

  5. The guys on C block tier 3 will make you most welcome


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