[Image via Turntable Lab]
Along with a new website, the folks at Turntable Lab, providing one-step shopping for DJs, have announced that they "will be moving to a larger, more central East Village location." The Google Map link takes visitors to 10th Street between Fourth Avenue and Third Avenue. (Perhaps the space above Black & White that Wiz Kid Management vacated.)
Anyway, the owners of the 17-year-old Turntable Lab said that they will be providing more information on the new storefront soon.
This departure marks the latest business to either close or move away from the block. For instance, at No. 111, the wine bar Virgola and vintage clothing shop Village Style left earlier in the fall. Meanwhile, Porchetta is closed for now ahead of a move... and the owners of paint shop/boutique Verdigreen ceased operations in September.
H/T DrBop
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