As you may have read, the MTA and New York Transit Museum rolled out a vintage fleet of subway cars (and buses) once again this holiday season,... EVG reader Mike House shared these photos from the the Second Avenue F stop today... the fourth of four Sundays that the trains were in use...

They might as well run them full time. The trains going to goddamn Brooklyn are over-capacity every day. If only all those graffiti tagged trains from the 80's are still available.
The MTA are rolling these vintage trains out like it's an amusement park ride.
I would so love to ride the Redbird trains again, but sadly, they've been sunk at sea.
When the "City of New York" cars were running on the L line at the end of their life, they were so dilapidated that people called them "City of New Amsterdam" cars.
Cute riders!!
Is that a stewardess? Fly MTA?
I rode some of the vintage trains on the J line in Friday and Saturday night. Oh, wait, those were the regular old cars that they run on the J line.
'Amazing how the trains on the ACE and NRQ lines with the orange seats with white lining still run.
At 10:20 AM, Anonymous said:
I rode some of the vintage trains on the J line in Friday and Saturday night. Oh, wait, those were the regular old cars that they run on the J line.
Hey, when I came to the city in 1980, we had graffiti-covered trains with straphandles, and we liked it that way; we loved it.
Seriously, in the late 70s when I saw stuff about New York and a TV show would show a tagged, graffiti-covered train on a sunny day, it made me want to come here even more!
Scuba Dive, agreed. Loved those old, dirty, graffiti - covered trains: in 1977,when I first saw Saturday Night Fever, and saw the scene of John Travolta riding in an empty, graffiti - Laden subway car in the middle of the night, it cemented my resolve to move back to the city of my birth. Miss empty subway cars, too, among other things from old NY.
No expectorating!
Great pics Mike.
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