After 21 months on the southeast corner of Fourth Avenue and 13th Street, Fresh & Co. has called it a day...

What was the kale-and-quinoa chainlet's 12th NYC location closed late last week. Fresh fans are directed to nearby locations on Broadway at Waverly and Eighth Street at Mercer...

The last tenant here, Pie Face, didn't fare much better. Before the renovation and rent increase (to $30,000), the previous tenant, Brothers Deli, didn't seem to have any issues with business.
I'm still waiting for Just Lettuce.
...more marshmallows?
Who would have guessed that primarily appealing to broke, fussy millennialls (who are always in search for a new experience) would have turned out like this? Shocked!
I'm still waiting for the Clean Plate, where inspired people use their own creativity to imagine the meal of their choice for an experience they'll never forget. $50 a plate. All major parent credit cards accepted.
Maybe 2017 will bring an awakening that the higher prices paid for "organic" anything may not be in the best interest of one's financial health.
That one organic storefront location couldn't make it work should not be a reflection on all organic food ya morons.
I wonder how much the opening of the nearby Chop't contributed to this closure..these "healthy" chains seem to canabilize each other with their growth plans (like Jamba Juice and other juicing chains).
Free pesticides are the only vice I can afford!
i liked it and got lunch there a couple times aa week and the staff were always friendly and awake. i will miss it.
As with any chain store or business closing nobody including the employees could care less. Another corporate venture selling whatever is trending and soulless will takes its place.
I ate an ordinary breakfast there once. It certainly wasn't bad but had nothing redeeming about it. Whose money goes into funding these see-if-it-sticks ventures? I mean, it's salad, right? I can't imagine a financier saying "Yeah, this is such a great concept!" in this environment of high rent and the predominance of flashy food trends.
So! Watch this space. And that one. And that one over there. Or you might miss it.
I doubt whether Chopt had an effect on the viability of this store. Chopt, after all, is on Fourth Avenue and 9th Street. The people who frequent this sort of place I don't think want to walk a few blocks for their salad. Everything needs to be at their immediate convenience.
I go to several Fresh & Cos and find them a good lunch option. This one had sub-par service and atmosphere, though.
What business can make it anywhere, these days?
That stupid sign explains why they closed - they cannibalized themselves with their other two locations "around the corner." Real cool of this company making light of one of their locations closing when x amount of their employees lost jobs and won't be reassigned to other Fresh & Co. locations.
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