A sidewalk bridge bridge arrived yesterday outside a row of buildings on East Third Street — much to the dismay of Dina Leor.
Leor is the owner of La Sirena, the small Mexican folk-art store at 27 E. Third St. between Second Avenue and the Bowery. Business is challenging enough without a sidewalk bridge obscuring part of the block — especially two days before what is traditionally her busiest shopping weekend of the year.
"Yesterday, on the coldest day of the season — I really felt for the workers — building management had a sidewalk scaffolding put up out front with no notice to the commercial tenants," she said.
Leor called the management (the property is owned by the Cooper Square Mutual Housing Association) to find out what was happening. The response she received: "a few repairs and upkeep." She wondered why this couldn't wait until January.
And why wasn't there any notice?
"I would have been able to make a banner so people could know we are here and open on the busiest week of the year ... the week that gives us the financial boost to hopefully continue on with our evolving assemblage," said Leon, who has run La Sirena for 18 years. "I count on foot traffic. This is like the Grinch who stole La Sirena's Christmas."

Previously on EV Grieve:
With the help of Rosie Mendez, La Sirena gets a new lease on East 3rd Street
Out and About in the East Village with Dina Leor
The headline should read: Hobo Hilton Expands. The Hilton Hotel Corpse just announced the opening of another hotel in its low cost division Hobo Hiltons. Baron Hilton IV said "The chain was proud of its new venture to provide service to those on no budget in the East Village. Single or double boxes will be available in our sleeping under the boards program... with toilet facilities at the curb."
I hope the owner is busy making a HUGE banner or two right now - all is not lost! Hang in there & put up a beacon of signage so people know you're there and OPEN! Wishing you the best.
cooer square is supposed to be a neighborhood preservation and tenant protection organization - their best preservation success is their own jobs.
Thanks EV Grieve for all your wonderful writing on whats going on in EV and beyond !
Having 2 big glowing signs made, Rush ship :-)
It takes a village .............. !
Happy holidays to all ~ Paz y Luz
I unfortunately have to agree. Seems like one of those nonprofits that originally did good but has completely abandoned its mission. I'd like to see the AG investigate.
This is how they get people out. Just look back at the previous posts, and guess who's your daddy.
Maybe your situation has improved to the point where you are not in the cohort of vulnerable people who benefit from the work they do. I encourage you to take a basic look and see what they do. You're entitled to your opinion but I feel like it might change after reading a little about their recent work.
First of all Cooper Square Committee is great. This is Cooper Square Mutual Housing. Have been screwing with commercial storefronts since they brought in hammerhead. Coincidence-I think not.
CSMH is known to be not nice w. commercial tenants, giving them a hard time and keeping communication fuzzy .............
Last word ......
My assistant was told we could not put signs on scaffolding, its "illegal" he was told by CSMH..... I guess no other landlord follows this since they want to help the retail spaces so shops make money to pay the rent and thrive.... Really.
A shop friend told me, her last landlord who was a landlord from hell had signs made and put them up on scaffolding when it was built. Wanted to update because it seams loco that we cant put up signs to help people know we are there.
Reminder from a friend, imagine if this is the worst thing that ever happened to you.... Paz y LUZ !
Scaffolding was removed today, YEAH !
Had to close or I would have sent a foto.
Cultural street celebrations will follow soon......
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