Monday, December 5, 2016

The 25th annual tree lighting in Tompkins Square Park is Sunday (Dec. 11)

From 4-5 p.m. And as usual, the event includes music via the Carolers of Olde New York from Theatre for the New City and refreshments from Veselka.

The tree was planted in 1992 in memory of Park advocate Glenn Barnett, "and each of our neighbors whom we have lost to AIDS," per the sign that hangs near the tree.

Revisit last year's gathering here.

[Photo from last year by Stacie Joy]


  1. Note: Tubachristmas in Rockefeller Center also falls on that day.

  2. Man, Angel and I have no coats on in that pic. This year I am already layering up in November. Thanks Obama!

  3. There's only ONE way to get this party started:

  4. Any idea of when this year's lighting will be held?


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